Exploring the Barriers of Entrepreneurship in Nursing as Perceived by Nurse Managers


  • Hala Taher Othman Radwan Faculty of Nursing, 12613 Cairo University, Egypt
  • Nora Elsayed Mohammed Khalil Faculty of Nursing, 12613 Cairo University, Egypt




Introduction: The ever-evolving and intensely competitive nature of today's global landscape necessitates organizations to embark on entrepreneurial initiatives, ensuring their resilience and advancement. So we need to explore the barriers to entrepreneurship in nursing as perceived by nurse managers. Methods: This research method used a descriptive-exploratory approach. The sample for this research was a convenience sample of 82 out of 97 nurse managers. Results: The study results revealed that, the highest mean percent of the study sample’ perception was (78.05%, 74.87%, &73.55%) related to attitudes towards entrepreneurship, resource consuming factors, and administration factors, respectively. There was a highly statistically significant correlation between total nurse managers’ educational level and their perception regarding barriers to entrepreneurship in nursing (f= 4.851, p=0.010*). Conclusion: The main barriers regarding entrepreneurship were attitudes towards entrepreneurship, resource consuming factors, and administration factors as perceived by nurse managers.


Barriers, Entrepreneurshi, Nurse Managers


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How to Cite

Othman Radwan, H. T. ., & Mohammed Khalil, N. E. . (2023). Exploring the Barriers of Entrepreneurship in Nursing as Perceived by Nurse Managers. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 15(1), 29-37. https://doi.org/10.31674/mjn.2023.v15i01.004
