Differences Between Spiritual Mindfulness and Mindfulness Caring in Reducing Academic Pathological Stress in Nursing Students
Introduction: Academic pathological stress currently often occurs in students. Mindfulness-based therapy has proven effective in reducing pathological stress among nursing students. Methods: However, there are several differences in the methods of administering mindfulness therapy, so further research is needed to find out these differences. This research aims to determine the difference in the influence of spiritual mindfulness and caring mindfulness in reducing pathological stress in nursing students. This study employed a pre-posttest quasi-experimental design with a control group. The sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique with the inclusion criteria of final-level Nursing undergraduate students who experienced academic pathological stress and were willing respondents (n=36). The sample was then randomly divided into 2 groups, namely spiritual mindfulness (n =18) and mindfulness caring (n=18). Data on pathological stress were collected using the questions in the DASS-42 questionnaire, which are 14 questions about pathological stress. Data analysis used paired t-tests and unpaired t-tests. Results: This research found that both interventions can reduce pathological stress in nursing students. However, there was a difference between spiritual mindfulness intervention (Mean ± SD = 11.39 ± 5.81) and mindfulness caring (Mean ± SD = 16.39 ± 3.55) with a mean difference of 6.38 and a p-value <0.001. Conclusion: In conclusion, although the two interventions provided effective results in reducing academic pathological stress in respondents, it was found that spiritual mindfulness was more able to reduce aggressive stress responses in nursing students. Further research is recommended to reevaluate the sample group, incorporating individuals with diverse mental health issues for re-testing.
Spiritual Mindfulness, Mindfulness Caring, Academic Pathological Stress, Nursing StudentsDownloads
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