The Impact of Online and Distance Learning (ODL) During Pandemic Covid-19 on the Level of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression of Lecturers in UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor
Background: Most industries around the globe have been severely impacted by the current COVID-19 outbreak, including educational institutions. It has changed the norms from physical communication emerging to fully online communication platform technologies as the main contact. Open and distance learning (ODL) was the alternative solution. However, the limitations during ODL can affect the psychology of the educators, as it is a new norm for them to fully adapt. Objectives: This study intends to assess the degree of depression, stress, and anxiety among academicians concerning ODL at UiTM Puncak Alam during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The data were collected using a cross-sectional design and convenience sampling involving 88 lecturers from the Faculty of Health Sciences. The data for the study were collected and analyzed from the online questionnaire. The main instruments used in this study were the 21-question Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Results: The response rate was 78% (n = 88). The results showed that the majority of the participants had normal levels of depression (90.0%), anxiety (86.4%), and stress (95.5%), respectively. A minority of participants showed mild, moderate, and severe degrees of anxiety, stress, and depression during ODL. Depression; Mild (4.5%), Moderate (4.5%) Anxiety; Mild (3.4%), Moderate (9.1%), Severe (1.1%) Stress; Mild (1.1%), Moderate (3.4%). Conclusion: The study concluded that undergoing ODL during the COVID-19 pandemic can slightly affect the level of mental health among participants.
Anxiety, COVID-19, Depression, Lecturers, Open Distance Learning (ODL), StressDownloads
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