Factors Influencing Therapeutic Management of Major Depressive and Generalised Anxiety Disorder Among Adolescents at Hospital Kajang, Selangor
Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) have been leading causes of morbidity. In 2011, 20% of Malaysians between 5 and 16 years old had mental health issues, and this percentage escalated to 24.5% in 2015. Despite the abundance of reports of mental health problems and suicides among adolescents worldwide, specific data for Malaysian adolescents is limited. The statistics available are outdated, and management algorithms are unavailable. This study aims to identify the prevalence and factors that contribute to MDD and GAD among adolescents and the trend of therapeutic management. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study involving 102 adolescents aged 10 to 19 diagnosed with MDD and GAD was conducted at Hospital Kajang, in which a convenient sampling method was applied. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 23.0. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze demographics, and categorical data were analyzed for frequency and percentage. A Pearson's Chi-square test was used to assess the association between the improvement of symptoms and therapy type, and a paired t-test was used to compare the mean number of symptoms between pre- and post-therapeutic management. Results: The prevalence of adolescents with MDD is 0.15% and GAD is 0.02%. There was a higher percentage of patients with parents’ income below RM1000: 83.5% among MDD patients and 63.6% among GAD patients. Family factors are the major factors contributing to 32% of adolescents with MDD and GAD. The majority of patients (67.6%, n = 69) received a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. There was a statistically significant difference in the number of MDD and GAD symptoms from the first day of treatment until the second follow-up (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study illustrates that family and academic examination factors were the main factors in adolescents’ mental health issues, and various drugs were prescribed to treat MDD and GAD. A collective strategy targeting identified triggers is needed to curb this population's growing mental health issues.
Adolescents, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, ManagementDownloads
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