Stress and Quality of Life among Young Adults During Covid-19 Pandemic in Kuala Selangor
Introduction: Social isolation, as recommended by the World Health Organization, helps reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, countless reports verified that it affected the psychological wellbeing and quality of life of individuals worldwide. Objective: To assess the stress levels and quality of life of young adults in Kuala Selangor during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study design with a sample size of 191 who were selected through convenience sampling answered the questionnaires, which were the perceived stress scale and the World Health Organization-Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQoL-26). Results: This study showed that 89.5% of young adults have an extremely severe stress level. Meanwhile, the physical health domain of quality of life showed the lowest score (median = 44.00, IQR=24.00) compared to other domains, such as environmental health (median =63.00, IQR =50.00), psychological health (median=56.00, IQR=38.00), and social relationships (median =50.00, IQR=44.00). There was also no significant difference between stress level and the demographic data of the respondents, including age, gender, educational status, socioeconomic status, and employment status. The study found a weak negative correlation between stress level and environmental health (p=0.007), but no correlation was found with other domains such as physical health, psychological health, or social relationships. Conclusion: There was an extremely severe stress level among young adults, but it did not relate to the quality of life. Thus, the quality of life can be affected by other possible factors rather than psychological influence. This project encouraged the health sector to plan effective programs related to stress-coping strategies and a better quality of life to survive during the pandemic.
COVID-19, Quality of Life, Stress, Young AdultsDownloads
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