Relationship Between Heat Stress and Job Fatigue with Stress Levels in Employess at CV. Fatra Karya Logam
Background: According to the Institution of Social Security Employment, based on data for 2020, there was an increase in cases of work accidents, with 177,000 cases recorded. One of the common problems for employees in the industrial environment is heat exposure. Heat stress is one of the working conditions of physical factors in the work environment, which is an additional burden for employees. Objective: To determine the relationship between heat stress, job fatigue, and stress levels in employees at CV. Fatra Karya Logam. Methods: This is a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional design. The population and sample in this study were employees in the production section of CV. Fatra Karya Logam, as many as 30 people. Results: The results of measuring heat stress with medium workloads in the production section of CV. Fatra Karya Logam exceed NAV (> 28.0ºC), it is known that the average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) in CV. Fatra Karya Logam is 31.4°C, and statistical tests show that there is a relationship between heat stress and stress levels for employees at CV. Fatra Karya Logam with a value of p = 0.000, and there is a significant relationship between job fatigue and stress levels for employees at CV. Fatra Karya Logam with p value = 0.006. Conclusion: Therefore, to manage the impacts properly and avoid health issues or worse outcomes while working, we must understand what triggers job tiredness and work stress. Recommendation: by identifying causes of fatigue and work stress, employees can handle the effects properly to prevent health problems and worse consequences during work.
Heat Stress, Job Fatigue, Stress LevelDownloads
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