Ways of Coping and Mental Health among Nursing Students Transitioning from Online Learning to In-Person Classes in a University Setting


  • Ashley Bangcola College of Health Sciences, Mindanao State University, 9700 Marawi City, Philippines




Background: Education is one of the sectors where the COVID-19 pandemic has had the biggest impact. Schools all throughout the world had to make adjustments, and after many years, virtual learning is now transitioning back to traditional in-person learning. During the Pandemic, concerns about mental and psychological health are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially among university students. Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of shifting from online or virtual classrooms to in-person classes on nursing students' mental health and coping strategies. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational research design with a survey questionnaire was used among 405 nursing students from Mindanao State University's College of Health Sciences to determine how nursing students adjust to returning to school after more than two years of taking online classes due to pandemic restrictions. Results: The study revealed that the students' psychological well-being was much higher than their emotional and social well-being. This study's findings demonstrated a substantial positive correlation between nursing students' proactive coping and mental wellbeing, implying that as proactive coping improves, so does mental wellbeing. Conclusion: It can be concluded that utilizing proactive coping methods helps nursing students maintain their mental health when transitioning from online to face-to-face classes. The current study's findings suggest that proactive coping practices contribute significantly to mental health.


COVID-19, Mental Health, Nursing Students, Ways of Coping


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How to Cite

Bangcola, A. (2023). Ways of Coping and Mental Health among Nursing Students Transitioning from Online Learning to In-Person Classes in a University Setting. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 15(1), 70-78. https://doi.org/10.31674/mjn.2023.v15i01.008
