Utilization of Health Services by Stunting Families in Tasikmalaya
Background: Stunting is a national issue that attracts a lot of attention. Several factors are the cause of stunting in Indonesia, namely: bad parenting, including deficit knowledge about health and nutrition before and during pregnancy and after the mother gives birth; limited health services, including ANC-Ante Natal Care services (health services for mothers during pregnancy); Post Natal Care and quality early learning: deficit nutrition; and difficulty accessing clean water and sanitation. Aim: The research aims to describe the utilization of health services by families with stunting and the factors that influence it. Methods: This research design is quantitative with descriptive methods. The population was families with stunting in the Sukamulya Village area, namely 18 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Data collection is done directly using the univariate data analysis technique. Results: The results showed that 44.4% of families with stunting did not use health services for treatment, and 22.2% of families with stunted toddlers rarely used posyandu services. Predisposing characteristic factors that influence visits to health services in this study are age > 35 years and junior high school graduates. Conclusion: In this study, the characteristic factor that influences the ability to visit health services is that the majority of family income is <UMR (unit market reference), and 38.9% do not have health insurance. The factor that influenced visits to health services in this study showed that 61.2% of families with stunting had a negative perception of stunting, such as the perception that stunting was not a serious problem that did not require immediate action.
Health Services, Influencing Factors, Stunting FamiliesDownloads
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