Effect of COVID-19 Complications of Recovered Nurses on Quality of Work–Life and Patients’ Safety Culture
Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has many dramatic complications that reduce the quality of work-life of affected nurses and affect the patients’ safety culture. Aim: To assess the effect of COVID-19 complications on the quality of work-life and patients’ safety culture. Methods: The study was based on a descriptive-correlational design. Data were collected from medical and surgical departments at Ibn Sina Hospital in Iraq and Sohag and Qena University Hospitals in Egypt. Sample: All nurses working at medical and surgical departments who recovered from COVID-19 were chosen for the study. The COVID-19 Complications Questionnaire was constructed, along with the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale, and the Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire was adopted. Results: The complications included a sore throat, dyspnea, headache, coagulopathy, anxiety, and confusion. The study sample perceived an average level of quality work-life and patient safety culture. Conclusion: There was a significant negative correlation between inflammatory, pain, and circulatory complications and the quality of work-life among nurses and a significant negative correlation between respiratory complications and patient safety culture. There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between quality of work-life and patient safety culture (P<0.01). Recommendations This study recommended that preventive measures be considered. Moreover, planned training programs for nurses about the COVID-19 infection should be included.
COVID-19, Nurses, Quality of Work-Life, Patient Safety CultureDownloads
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