Effectiveness of Yoga on Adolescent’s Menstrual Pain and Quality of Life
Background: Menstrual pain is a common gynaecological complaint due to an imbalance of progesterone. It may also affect the adolescent girl's quality of life. Physical and psychosocial problems such as abdominal cramps and fatigue during the menstrual period affect daily activities, social relationships, and the school’s academic performance. Yoga, one of the non-pharmacological therapies, is a technique to reduce menstrual discomfort. Aim: This study aims to see the effectiveness of yoga on adolescents' menstrual pain and quality of life. Methods: The study was quasi-experimental study with a group pre-test and post-test design. Prior to receiving yoga therapy, all respondents took a pre-test to measure their level of menstrual pain and quality of life. The yoga therapy consists of once-a-week yoga exercises for six consecutive weeks. All respondents followed the post-test to evaluate the yoga therapy. Results: On the pre-test, 49.5% of respondents experienced mild pain, and 16.2% experienced severe pain. After doing yoga therapy, 19% of the respondents did not experience pain, 52.4% experienced mild pain, and no respondents experienced severe pain. There is an effect of yoga therapy on adolescents' menstrual pain (p value = 0.0001). Meanwhile, 49.5% of respondents had low quality of life during the menstruation period. After yoga therapy, 48.6% of respondents felt low quality of life during the menstruation period. There is an effect of yoga on adolescents' quality of life during menstruation (p value = 0.0001). Conclusion: Regular yoga is an effective and recommended way for adolescents to reduce menstrual pain and improve their quality of life during the menstruation period.
Adolescent, Menstrual Pain, Quality of Life, YogaDownloads
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