Determinant of Perception Factors in People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwha) with the Attitude of Preventing Opportunistic Infections
HIV and AIDS are worldwide health concerns. Opportunistic infections are brought on by a weakened immune system and the introduction of germs (bacteria, fungi, and viruses) into the body. Opportunistic Infections (OIs) can cause death in >90% of AIDS patients. The objective of this research is to identify perception factors associated with a positive attitude toward preventing opportunistic infections in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). This research was an analytical study applying a cross-sectional design and quantitative approaches. This study included 30 samples from PLWHA from the General Hospital of South Tangerang City, Indonesia. Samples were collected using a non-random sampling technique involving accidental sampling. From the results of the study, a relationship of perceived threat (p-value = 0.001; r = 0.515), perceived susceptibility (p-value = 0.044; r = 0.345), perceived severity (p-value = 0.361), perceived benefit (p-value = 0.643), perceived barrier (p-value = 0.094; r = 0.463), and perceived self-efficacy (p-value = 0,004; r = 0.463) was obtained with the prevention attitude of opportunistic infections. The perceived threat is a major factor influencing attitudes toward OI prevention.
Opportunistic Infection, Attitude, Perceived, HIV AIDSDownloads
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