Workplace Bullying among Nurses in Singapore: A Quantitative Survey
Abstract: The high prevalence rate of workplace bullying among nurses is alarming given the consequences for nurses and organizations. It is poorly understood in Asia due to limited studies. This study employed a quantitative, cross-sectional design using an electronic survey to examine the prevalence, antecedents, and consequences of workplace bullying among nurses in Singapore. Data collection took place between November 2021 and February 2022, with 152 nurses of different grades completing the electronic survey (response rate of 65%). Our survey showed that 42.8% of the nurses (n = 65) reported experiencing occasional workplace bullying or workplace incivility during the past six months, and 11.8% (n = 18) were identified as victims of workplace bullying during the past six months. Logistic regression identified three variables (working hours per week, personality, emotional stability, and work environment) that were significant predictors of workplace bullying. Workplace bullying significantly impacts nurses' job stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention but does not affect their work productivity or absenteeism. The study demonstrates that workplace bullying will continue to persist and manifest differently in different countries. Workplace environment and hierarchy have a greater and more immediate impact on workplace bullying in Singapore than individual characteristics.
Workplace Bullying, Incivility, Violence, Nurses, Healthcare, Survey, Quantitative, Cross-SectionalDownloads
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