Analysis of Readiness to Become a Parent, Social Support and Marital Support with Parenting Self-Efficacy (PSE) among Mothers in Cibadung Village Gunung Sindur District Bogor Indonesia
Background: Based on the KPAI survey, 66.4% of fathers and 71% of mothers adopted parental care, and 47.1% of fathers and 40.6% of mothers communicated with their children for only one hour. This study aimed to determine the relationship between readiness to become a parent, social support, and marital support with parenting self-efficacy for mothers in RW 06 Cibadung Village, Gunung Sindur District.
Methods: This quantitative method uses an analytical design with a cross-sectional approach. The purposive sampling technique was used in this study, with a total of 145 samples; data were analysed using the Spearman Rank correlation test.
Results: The study showed that the statistical test of readiness to become parents with parenting self-efficacy had a p-value = 0.015. The statistical test of social support with parenting self-efficacy got a p-value = 0.043, and the statistical test results of spousal support with parenting self-efficacy got a p-value = 0.911.
Conclusion: The study showed that there is a relationship between parenting readiness and parenting self-efficacy, no relationship between social support and parenting self-efficacy, and no relationship between marital support and parenting self-efficacy. This study suggests increasing readiness to become parents by changing the perception of parenting so as not to depend on social and marital support.
Parenting Self-Efficacy, Parents, Social Support, Marital SupportDownloads
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