Effectiveness of Tailored Care Program on Diabetes Self-Care Activity, Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and HbA1C among Patients with Diabetes in Indonesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: A tailored care intervention program implemented related to diabetes self-care activity, HbA1c, and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications was not undertaken in Indonesia. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a tailored care intervention program for patients with diabetes in Indonesia. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with pre- and post-testing was conducted from January to April 2021 with a total of 163 participants: 80 in the intervention group and 83 in the control group (undertaken at three months following baseline collection). The intervention group received a tailored care intervention program that included: (1) brief deducting teaching; (2) assessment for self-care activity and CVD risk; (3) brainstorming and support group; and (4) follow-up. The control group received standard education in the primary health care facilities (Moyo Hilir and Moyo Hulu Primary Health Care). Results: Improvements in diabetes self-care activity, HbA1c, and a lower risk of CVD among patients in the intervention group were the advantages of the tailored care intervention program after the three-month evaluation. Blood pressure, body weight, body mass index (BMI), triglycerides, blood glucose, cholesterol, and a triglyceride glucose index showed no differences in change over time between the intervention and control groups. Conclusion: The tailored care intervention program improved diabetes self-care activity, HbA1c, and decreased the percentage of CVD risk. Moreover, it is culturally acceptable to the Indonesian community with diabetes.
CVD Risk, Diabetes, Diabetes Self-Care Activity, Hba1c, Tailored CareDownloads
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