Impact of Yearly Flood Disaster Management during Pandemic COVID-19 based on Mother’s Resilience Model Focusing on Family Centred Empowerment to Strengthen Resilience of Villagers in Lamongan during Disaster
Introduction: Indonesia is susceptible to disaster. The disaster triggers all aspects of humanity, such as psychology and physical well-being. Resilience is critical to help the community facing the impact of the disaster, especially mothers as the core of the family. So, we need to improve mothers’ resilience when facing the impact of flood disasters. Methods: This research method used explanatory research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this research were 121 mothers who lived in a village based on a calculation by the Rule of Thumb. Data analysis used SEM-PLS. Results: Most of the respondents had good knowledge, which was 106 mothers (87.6%). Most of the respondents had very high filial values in the care indicator (71%) and in the respect (50.4%). About 49 mothers (40.5%) had low resilience and 90 mothers (74.4%) had moderate family appraisal scores. Among some of the respondents, 81 (66.4%) had moderate family resilience scores, 56 mothers (46.32%) had an adequate coping strategy. There were 36.4% who stated that reinforcement, facilities, and support from health workers were good. It is known that most family types (64) were nuclear families (52.9%), most mothers had 1-2 children (77.7%), and lived in a house with one household (55.4%). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that family appraisals and filial value can affect the level of resilience of mothers in overcoming the impact of flood disasters.
COVID-19, Family Centered Empowerment, Family Resilience Model, Mother, ResilienceDownloads
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