Differences in Glucose Control of Diabetic Patients with Family Care Support Interventions
Introduction: Patients with diabetes mellitus need support from their families to control their glucose needs because family plays a very important role in reducing risk factors. This study aims to analyze differences in glucose control before and after implementing family care support interventions.
Methods: This study employed a quasi-experiment and involved 123 samples of diabetes mellitus patients and their families. These samples were selected using a random sampling technique. The measuring instrument employed an HbA1c blood sugar examination carried out twice. Meanwhile, bivariate statistical analysis employed the significance level of an alpha value <0.05 with a paired t-test.
Results: Statistical tests have revealed some changes before and after the intervention in both groups. The mean glucose of the intervention group is 9.463 + 7.000, and that of the control group is 9.469 + 8.262. The results are p = 0.001 in the intervention group and p = 0.062 in the control group.
Conclusion: The statistical tests have proven significantly different glucose control in DM patients before and after the intervention. Based on the findings, this study recommends that a nurse provide nursing interventions for diabetes mellitus patients by involving family participation. As a result, the client and family could provide care on their own.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Family Care Support, Glucose ControlDownloads
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