The Relationship of Mother's Self Efficacy with Cognitive Development and Stunting among Toddlers in the Area of Kalirungkut Puskesmas City, Surabaya
Background: Stunting can cause cognitive loss disorders. High and low self-efficacy of the mother that can affect the cognitive development of the child. Cognitive processes are associated with adequate levels of intelligence of a person with a variety of interests, high and low self-efficacy of the mother that can affect the cognitive development of the child. Purpose: This study aims to find out the relationship of maternal self-efficacy with cognitive development in stunting children of toddler age in the Health Center at Kali Rungkut area of Surabaya. Methods: This study uses observational method with cross sectional research approach. The population of this study is mothers with stunting children in the toddler age in Kali Rungkut Health Centre area of Surabaya. Sampling techniques was done using simple random sampling with a sample of 56 respondents. Instruments used on independent self-efficacy questionnaire variables; instruments used on dependent variables of capute scale observation sheets. Results: The data analysis used in this study is spearman's rho test with p-value (0.000) <α (0.05) means there is a relationship between maternal self-efficacy and cognitive development of the child. Conclusion: Mothers who have low self-efficacy on average do not have the will to provide healthy nutrition and physical activity for the child. Meanwhile, if the self-efficacy of the mother is high, it will increase the confidence of the mother in caring for and nurturing the child well. The implications of this research are very important for mothers to develop a high sense of confidence in parenting so that the growth and development of a child can be optimal.
Child Stunting, Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Development of ChildrenDownloads
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