Neurologic Examination of the Diabetic Foot to Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcer at Puskesmas Kebonsari Surabaya, Indonesia
Background: Neuropathy is a complication of Diabetes Mellitus that changes the structure and function of peripheral nerves, causing diabetic neuropathy due to peripheral nerve degeneration. Neuropathy examination is used to prevent diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), but it is still rarely done or has not become a routine examination in health services. Alternative examination of neuropathy was done with the Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT). The purpose of this study was to identify neurosensory-peripheral disorders in the diabetic foot.
Methods: The research design used a quantitative description with a cross-sectional approach involving 40 respondents. Intervention with diabetic foot examination using the Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT) instrument. Sampling technique with accidental sampling approach. Statistical test using descriptive numeric.
Results: the results of the neurosensoriperipheral examination in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus through the IpTT examination had an average value of 3.85 out of a total score of 6, which means that the respondent experienced a decrease in sensory function.
Discussion: The majority of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 have decreased neurosensoriperipheral function. Nurses can perform an Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT) on diabetic feet to assess peripheral neurosensory function to prevent diabetic foot ulcers.
Neuropathy, Neurosensoriperipheral, Ipswich Touch Test, Diabetes MellitusDownloads
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