Health and Well-being Benefits of Gardening: A Comparative Study among Gardeners and Non-gardeners in the Philippines
Aim: This study is aimed to assess the health and well-being benefits of gardening between gardeners and non-gardeners.
Methods: A total of 400 respondents participated in the study which was equally sampled between gardeners and non-gardeners. Criterion sampling was utilized in the participant selection. The study utilized standardized questionnaires and was conducted in Central Philippines. The study utilized a quasi-experimental post-test only design. T-test of independent samples was utilized in the analysis.
Results: Results revealed that gardeners have considerably higher reports of good health (M=3.40, SD=0.48), higher resilience (M=3.82, SD=.51) and displayed significantly higher reports of coping (M=3.82, SD=.56) than non-gardeners. Non-gardeners on the other hand showed to be more fearful of COVID-19 than the gardener group (M=3.26.SD=.63).
Conclusion: Gardening activity is beneficial in maintaining a person’s perceived health and well-being especially in times of distress and social isolation. People who engage in gardening activities are better at adapting to change, making them more resilient and adjusted from grief and loss of a loved one. It is recommended to incorporate gardening as an adaptive means in improving the public’s health and well-being especially at times of health crises.
Gardening, Fear of COVID-19, Perceived Health, Resilience, Bereavement Coping, Psychological Well-being, PhilippinesDownloads
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