Background: The ICU is a room for critical patients who require continuous airway breathing circulation support. This also affects the family psychology in the form of stress and anxiety. One of the urgent but often overlooked factor in this case is that the families of patients in the ICU need social support and this is expected to be provided by the nurses. Purpose: To examine the relationship between social support nurses and the level of stress and anxiety of the patient's family in ICU. Methods: This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were the families of patients who were treated in the critical care room from May to June 2019. The sampling technique was simple random and 95 respondents met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument used to measure social support is the CCFNI (Critical Care Family Need Information) while to measure the level of stress and anxiety using DASS 42. Both of these instruments have been tested for validity and reliability. Results: The results showed that the majority of respondents had a Social Support Fulfilled (66%), majority of respondents had a normal stress level (55%) and the majority of respondents had normal anxiety levels (34%). The results of the Wilcoxon test statistical test showed that social support with a stress level of p value <0.001, and social support with anxious level showed p<0.01. Conclusion: Nurse's social support is needed by the families of patients who are admitted to the intensive care unit.
Critical Care, Social Support, Stress AnxietyDownloads
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