HIV prevalence among women increases every year and it becomes a major health problem among women. Housewives are at risk to be infected with HIV from their husbands. Women and girls are on twice to be infected with HIV than their men counterparts. The seriousness of HIV/AIDS stems from the risks it brings. It does not affect the individuals infected, but also seriously influences the HIV prevention efforts. Indonesia have been going well with emphasis on curative efforts of HIV prevention and control programs but need more to be optimal. This study analyzed the influence of factors HIV prevention efforts among women in Pekanbaru. Methods: The study involved 194 women age 20-50 and currently married and living together with their husbands. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the demographic characteristics. A quantitative descriptive with multivariate analysis using logistic regression was conducted amongst women in both distric between Tenayan Raya and Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru, Riau Province in 2018. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select 194 women. Data were collected through structured quessionaire. The data were entered into Epi Info and analyzed by using SPSS for windows. Results: Out of the 194 women findings indicated factors influenced the prevention efforts by women using a significance of p-value < 0.005 were: working (p= 0.000, OR= 3.781, 95% CI= 1.859-7.688); knowledge (p= 0.000, OR= 0.295, 95% CI= 0.154-0.564); attitude (p value= 0.027, OR= 0.161, 95% CI= 0.32-0.809). It can be concluded that factors that influence HIV prevention efforts by women are working, knowledge and attitudes. Employment was found to be the most significant factor in this study. This finding implies that women who do not work need special attention and are encouraged to conduct HIV prevention efforts through education and personal approaches.
Attitude, HIV, Knowledge, Prevention efforts, Women, WorkingDownloads
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