Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia and Bengkulu province. The high spread of cases raises fear and concern in the community, especially those who have not been exposed to clear information about Covid-19. Community understanding and supportive attitudes as well as good preventive measures play an important role in reducing the rate of spread in Bengkulu Province. Effectiveness in reducing the number of cases is very dependent on the cooperation and compliance of the whole community. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practice of the people in Bengkulu Province regarding Covid-19. Methods: This research is a descriptive study with a total sample of 200 people taken by accidental sampling by distributing questionnaires in 10 districts / cities in Bengkulu Province. Results: Among 200 respondents, there were (86.5%) good knowledge, (52.0%) positive attitudes and (61.5%) respondents had good practice in preventing Covid-19. Conclusion: The importance of public knowledge and understanding, as well as supportive attitudes in efforts to prevent transmission. Recommendation: It is necessary to disseminate clear and consistent information to all people in Bengkulu Province and its surrounding areas to break the chain of spreading Covid-19.
Covid-19, Knowledge, Attitude, PracticeDownloads
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