Background: The need to finish the graduating degree becomes very compelling to the students to meet the expectations of their families, relatives and friends. However, when the student faces obstacles to meet the said expectations, the student may experience emotional problems such as fatigue, anxiety and depression especially among those who are about to finish the degree. Assessment of the student’s mental health, specifically the level of fatigue, anxiety and depression is vital to prevent further complications. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of anxiety, fatigue and depression among graduating students enrolled at Biliran Province State University
Methods: The study used a descriptive survey design using standardized tools such as the Beck’s Anxiety Inventory (BDI), Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) and the Kutcher’s Adolescent Depression Scale to determine the prevalence of anxiety, fatigue and depression among the respondents.
Results: The results revealed that most of the respondents had mild anxiety, fatigue and depression. However, there were also some students who experienced moderate-severe anxiety, fatigue and depression.
Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the need to craft interventions such as health education campaigns or counselling that will help students in the prevention of anxiety, fatigue and depression especially among graduating students.
Anxiety, Fatigue, Depression, Graduating Students, Mental Health StatusDownloads
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