Background: Many countries focus on strengthening the capacities of individual, group and organization including in health care setting. However, most of the capacity strengthening only focuses on increasing the knowledge and skills of all age groups, including the youth. The capacity strengthening delivered by the health care professional needs to be adjusted with the youth growth and development, thus it will increase the youth interpersonal domain.
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the capacity strengthening program for the youth to improve the parents’ health behavior.
Methods: A literature review was done based on the articles published from search engine such as Clinical Key, Ebscohost with Cinahl and ProQuest from 2003 – 2021.
Results: The strengthening capacity of youth consist of many steps, there are health assessment of targeted population, home visit, parents involving, educational program and monitoring, report, documentation.
Conclusion: This review found that intervention using youth act as change agent that improve parents’ health behavior especially change family lifestyle. It is essential that further research is implemented to determine whether youth capacity strengthening is also effective for parents with infectious disease.
Capacity Strengthening, Youth, Health, Change AgentDownloads
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