Objective: This paper presents specific pregnancy outcomes of COVID-19 during pregnancy, based on the literature available until August 2020. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Springer, Science Direct, and the EMBASE database of publications regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19) following the PRISMA checklist. The search terms used include: “pregnancy”; “pregnant”; “neonatal”; “neonate”; “COVID-19”; “coronavirus disease 2019” “pregnancy”, “pregnant”, “neonatal” and “neonate”. All studies exploring the maternal and fetal outcomes among pregnant women with COVID-19 were considered for this review. Results: A total of 11 case reports on 17 pregnant women and 12 retrospective reviews of the medical records of 795 pregnant women meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the review. Of 362 deliveries, 59.3% involved caesarean sections [CS] while 40.6% were vaginal deliveries. Of the 362 deliveries, 22.37% were preterm. Of 51 neonates, 20% were found to have low birth weight and one tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. A total of nine neonatal deaths were reported, which were not associated with the viral infection, and 15 neonates were found to be COVID-19 positive, although no indication of vertical transmission of infection was established. Conclusions: Pregnancy does not increase the risk of COVID-19 and prospective mothers should follow the same recommendations as applicable to the general population, to limit the transmission of COVID-19. Information compiled in this systematic review of COVID-19-related pregnancy outcomes may help in planning the best care in future.
COVID-19, Pregnancy Outcome, Maternal Outcome, Foetal OutcomeDownloads
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