Background: Assessment of staff nurses' perception regarding ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values can help nursing administrators to discover more successful strategies toward improving their well-being and decreasing work-related stress.
Aim: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship among ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values as perceived by staff nurses at two different hospitals. Design: Descriptive correlation for comparative design was utilized to achieve the aim of the present study. Setting: The present study was conducted at two different health care (private and teaching) sectors. Subjects: Convenient sample of staff nurses (n=194) who agreed to share in this study. They were divided as follows: (n=89) from private hospital and (n=105) from teaching hospital. Tools: Data were collected using three questionnaires: ethical climate (26 items), ethical behavior (12 items) and nurses' professional value (26 items).
Results: The study illustrated that there was no statistically significant difference among total perception of staff nurses’ regarding ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values at private and teaching hospitals (p=0.16, p=0.34 and p=0.28) respectively. Staff nurses had high mean % regarding their perception of professional values (87.66%), ethical behavior (86.74%), and ethical climate (83.32%). There was a strong positive statistically significant relation between total perception of ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values (p=0.00). Finally, a strong positive statistically significant relation among total staff nurse’s perception of ethical behavior and professional values (p = 0.00).
Conclusion: There were no statistically significant deference among total perception of staff nurses toward ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values at private and teaching hospitals. There was a strong positive statistically significant relation between total perception of ethical climate, ethical behavior and professional values.
Recommendations: Nursing administrators should support achievement of ethical climate, nurses should update their knowledge regarding professional nursing ethics, through engaging periodically in workshop and training programs and nursing educator should integrate ethical practice into nursing curricula.
Ethical Climate, Ethical Behavior, Staff Nurses, Professional Values, Private Hospital and Teaching HospitalDownloads
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