Introduction: Hypertension (HT) identified as main risk factors of heart disease incidence. Cupping (Bekam) is a simple and affordable complementary therapy modality in various diseases with different causes and pathogenesis, including HT and increased MAP.Aim: This study aimed to identify the effect of wet cutaneous cupping stimulation to the Mean Arterial Pressure reduction among hypertensive patients.Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. The study population were all hypertensive patients in Canden District, Bantul Regency. 27 patients for the control group and 29 patients for the intervention group recruited through random sampling technique. A univariate analysis presented in a form of frequency distribution table while bivariate statistical analysis Wilcoxon signed Rank test.Results: Wet cupping treatments above 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 body points, twice a week within 3 days interval and 30 minutes intervention, provide different effects toward diastolic & systolic blood pressure and MAP between pretest and posttest for both interventions. Mean Systolic differences in the first intervention was 18.33 mmHg(p value of 0.000). The mean Systolic difference in the second intervention16.11 mmHg with p value 0.000. Mean diastolic pressure in the first intervention 6.11 mmHg (p=0.003) while mean diastolic differences in the second intervention was 6.3 mmHg (p=0.000). The study results present mean MAP differences in the first account for 10.23 mmHg with p value=0.000. In the second intervention, mean MAP difference was 9.56 (p=0.000).Conclusion: The study confirms that wet cutaneous cupping stimulation effective to reduce MAP among hypertensive patients.
Hypertension, MAP, Wet CuppingDownloads
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