The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of persons undergoing the community-based drug rehabilitation program in the City of Bogo, Cebu, Philippines. The focus was to uncover the stories of these people in order to gain a better understanding of their journey. The study was utilizing Husserlian’s descriptive phenomenology design. Using purposive sampling, seven (7) informants were identified. An interview guide was developed and validated; afterwards, a semi-structure one-on-one interview was conducted.
Four main themes emerged with theme 1: Wrong Turn with subthemes: (a) Curiosity, (b) Peer influence, (c) pleasure and desirable effects of drug use, (d) relapse before RERE continuing or long term drug use and (e) life issues; theme 2: Road Bumps & Blockswith subthemes: (a) interpersonal impact of drug use, (b) interpersonal impact of drug use and (c) extrapersonal impact of drug use; theme 3: Road to Recovery with subthemes: (a) acceptance of the existing problem,(b) reason for entering RERE, (c) intrapersonal challenges while on recovery process, (d) interpersonal challenges while on recovery and (e) extrapersonal challenges while on recovery process; and theme 4: Walking on the Right Path, with subthemes; (a) perception about RERE program, (b) perseverance to change, (c) renewal of intrapersonal aspect , (d) renewal of interpersonal relationship and (e) renewal of extrapersonal aspect: modelling and offering help to others.
The informants described their chaotic experiences of addiction and their decision and motivation to change. An increased in understanding of the life of addiction and struggles and hardships in recovery can guide nurses, social workers, policy-law makers, other LGU members and future researchers in dealing with this phenomenon.
Drug Addiction, Recovery, Rehabilitation, Role ModelingDownloads
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