The growing aging population and the need for quality healthcare necessitate increasing demand for nurses. However, the shortage of nursing workforce remains a challenge for many hospitals. Nurse turnover continues to be as one of the factors of shortage of nurses. Incentives have been found to improve nurse retention. Specifically, non-financial incentives have shown potential as an approach addressing performance, quality of healthcare and turnover. As such, this study aims to examine the impact of non-financial incentives on nurses’ intention to stay. A cross-sectional survey was administered to 153 registered nurses employed in private hospitals in Malaysia. Non-financial incentives were measured with eight dimensions consisting of education, training and professional development; recognition; promotional opportunities; flexible working arrangements; autonomy and control over nursing practice; manageable workload; management and supervisory support and finally, work environment. In this study, promotional opportunities, manageable workload and work environment have shown a significant positive relationship on nurses’ intention to stay. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, hospital management may focus on creating a positive and safe work environment, formal framework for promotional opportunities and maintaining adequate nursing workforce to avoid heavy workloads among nurses. These strategies in turn, may improve nurse retention.
Non-Financial Incentives, Nurse Retention, Registered Nurse, Nurse Shortage, MalaysiaDownloads
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