Background and Purpose: Breast milk (mother's milk) is the most natural and valuable nutrient that can be provided easily and comfortably for the infant. Although beginning the breast-feeding is often done without any problems, the continuation of that, especially the exclusive form of mother's milk, is underestimated in many cases by some factors. Studies aimed at identifying effective factors can be useful in planning for breastfeeding promotion. Therefore, considering this important issue made the researcher carry out this study with the purpose of identifying the factors affecting the lack of continuity of breastfeeding in mothers with a review of researchers and experts standpoints in this regard.
Method: All domestic studies conducted between 2001 and 2018 by using the keywords of exclusive breastfeeding with mother's milk, a continuation of breastfeeding, length of breastfeeding continuity, factors affecting breastfeeding and meta-analysis of the country's databases, including Mag Iran, SID, Med lib, were examined and data were analyzed by using the meta-analysis method (random effect model).
Findings: 30 articles aimed at identifying effective factors in the lack of the continuation of successful breastfeeding in infants aged between 0 and 6 months were examined. Finally, a variety of factors influencing the lack of continuous breastfeeding have been classified and discussed in order of maternal, neonatal and environmental factors(in order of effect).
Conclusion: In order to facilitate the effective factors in the lack of breastfeeding continuity by mothers, we all nurses can take a long step for promoting the breast-feeding and benefit our children from this great blessing by avoiding recommending unnecessary cesarean deliveries, advertisements about the benefits of normal vaginal delivery (NVD) for mother and infant, as well as training the breast-feeding and encouraging it during pregnancy and postpartum, especially in mothers with cesarean deliveries.
Affective factors in breastfeeding, Exclusive breastfeeding with mother's milk, continuous nutrition (breastfeeding)Downloads
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