Background: Competence of maternity nurses affects directly on the quality of health care and women's gratification or satisfaction. Postpartum quality of care is considered a vital part in promoting maternal and neonatal health and symbolizes the process of nursing care. The aim of this study is to assess the competence of nurses in rendering postpartum care and its effect on women's satisfaction. Methodology: A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized. Setting: Three hospitals affiliated to Ministry of Health and Population were selected for their availability of labour and delivery units. Sample: 300 women in reproductive age and all nurses working in Obstetric/Gynecological wards in the previously selected settings. Tools for data collection: Data were collected using: (1) an observational check list for nurses and a structured interviewing questionnaire. Results: The total mean of women's satisfaction was quite high (3.90±0.62), whereas that of orientation and information was 3.83±1.00, advices provision was 3.83±1.8 and specific nursing care 1.32±0.46. It is evident that women were less satisfied with the specific postpartum nursing care they received. The study revealed that there was a positive and highly statistically significant correlation between satisfaction of post partum women and competences of rendered nursing care. Conclusion: There were a highly statistically significant difference between the competences of rendered nursing care and postpartum women's satisfaction. Recommendations: Competence–based nursing care should be provided after the planned birth for mothers in the postpartum unit. Future studies should focus on postpartum mothers' needs of care that reflect on their satisfaction with the services provided.
Competence, Postpartum care, Women satisfactionDownloads
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