Identifying Critical Factors of Work-Life Imbalances among Employees in the Newspaper Industry
This study attempts to identify the reasons that lead to problems in work and personal life using PCA and confirmatory factor analysis. The present study uses the scientific method to identify a few variables that influence the WLB of employees in the newspaper industry. The study focuses on the responses to 10 WLB statements from 385 respondents selected from various newspaper establishments in Kerala, a state in India. The survey method was used for data collection, using a structured questionnaire on a 5-point scale. The principal component analysis with varimax rotation and ordinal regression has been performed to identify various problems affecting the WLB and their impact on their personal lives. The study found all ten statements statistically valid based on Cronbach’s internal consistency alpha. Thus, all ten statements can be considered valid for assessing employees' problems. The present study will benefit newspaper organizations in designing an effective workplace with an effective work-life balance and minimum work interference in employees' personal lives.
Family Work Interference, Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Work-Family Interference, Work-Life BalanceDownloads
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