The Influence of Servicescape on Behavioral Intentions Through Customer Experience As Mediating Variable Among Visitors In Kampoeng Nopia Mino Edutourism
Tourism is a sector that is developing very rapidly, so efforts to understand visitor behavioral intentions are essential for the sustainability of tourist destinations. This research aims to analyze the influence of substantive staging and communicative staging on sustainable servicescapes by paying attention to customer experience in generating behavioral intentions in the tourism service sector and complementing the literature on servicescapes and behavioral intentions by using customer experience as a mediating variable. The population in this study were respondents who had visited Kampoeng Nopia Mino and were at least 17 years old. The sample for this research was 100 respondents drawn using a purposive sampling approach. Based on the results of research using the PLS Structural Equation Modeling analysis tool, the results of this research show that (1) Substantive Staging has a positive influence on the Customer Experience, (2) Communicative Staging has a positive influence on the Customer Experience, (3) Substantive Staging has no effect on Behavioral Intentions, (4) Communicative Performance has a positive influence on Behavioral Intentions, (5) Customer Experience has a positive influence on Behavioral Intentions, and (6) Customer Experience mediates the influence of Substantive Staging and Communicative Staging on Behavioral Intentions.
Behavioral Intention, Communicative Staging, Customer Experience, Substantive StagingDownloads
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