This study aimed to determine how four dimensions of employees’ brand citizenship behaviors (BCBs)—brand helping behavior, brand acceptance, brand missionary, and brand advancement—relate to customers’ brand commitment (BC), taking customers’ brand trust (BT) into consideration as a mediator factor. Data were collected from 16 independent hotels in the Greater Cairo region in Egypt. Two different versions of the surveys were distributed to collect data: one for customers and the other for employees. Both employees and their customers were asked to answer the surveys, which were then matched. A total of 240 matched surveys were collected and analyzed. The findings revealed a significant correlation between the four dimensions of BCBs and customers’ BC; however, only two of the BCBs—brand helping behavior and brand missionary—were significantly related to customers’ BC. In addition, customers’ BT did not fully mediate employees’ BCBs and customers’ BC. This study could help hotel managers develop strategies to enhance customers’ BC. The study may also deepen understanding of the BCB concept in a hotel context as well as aid in the establishment of new links between internal and external customers of organizations.
Brand Citizenship Behavior, Brand Commitment, HotelsDownloads
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