Gulmarg in Kashmir valley is globally acclaimed round the year tourist destination with extensive natural beauty and impressive snow-covered mountains. Gulmarg host many tourists annually. To maintain and escalate the existing charm of Gulmarg needs combined efforts from all tourism stakeholders of Gulmarg. But the more important thing is to evaluate the tourists’ satisfaction, factors affecting their satisfaction, their intention to revisit and willingness to recommend Gulmarg to other people. Consequently, the present study aims to find out the answers to these questions. Study findings are based on the responses of 115 domestic (Indian) respondents from the study area. The study results reveal that tourists are satisfied with destination aspects and they are willing to revisit and recommend Gulmarg to other people as well. However, in some cases, tourists are not satisfied. The concerned service renders must review their existing customer based policies and improve service quality for the sack of their own business and destination image.
Gulmarg, Kashmir, Tourist, Tourist SatisfactionDownloads
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