The Role of Training in the Perspective of Virtual Capital: Orchestration of Islamic Human Resources
The study's objectives were to identify efforts to improve the quality and capability of Islamic Human Resources (IHR) from a virtual capital perspective and to identify Islamic human resources training from a virtual capital perspective. Through interviews with nine employees, the research used a case study approach at Islamic Microfinance Institutions (IMI) in Madura Island. Research results: 1. One of the efforts to improve the quality and capability of Islamic human resources is through training activities; 2. The quality and capacity of the virtual capital perspective of human resources have been fulfilled by having the ability to: a. Intellectual capital, b. Social capital, and c. Moral capital. 3. No training activities provided to Islamic human resources specifically focus on the virtual capital perspective. However, the various training activities attended by Islamic human resources have the same substance as the virtual capital concept, such as training, excellent service training, sharia compliance training, Etc. In general, the various pieces of training provided have provided quality capabilities in the form of intellectual, social, and moral capital.
Islamic Human Resources, Training, Virtual Capital, Islamic Microfinance InstitutionsDownloads
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