Entrepreneurship and co-operative self-employment are the key vehicles of employment generation in a society. They increase social and economic welfare by providing solutions to unemployment and underemployment problems. Moreover entrepreneurship, in contrast to paid job or any other form of employment, provides a constant stream of learning experiences, which results in a more sustained development. During economic liberalization, which started in India in 1991, India exerted greater effort to promote and foster entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship must play a significant role in employment generation in India for the nation to meet its growth targets. Entrepreneurship is gaining prominence in schools and colleges across the world. Almost all management post graduate degree program in our country teach the subject through lecture, experiential or a combination of both the methods. The purpose of this study is to make the students aware about the subject and may be to make their entrepreneurial motivation stronger. The Indian economy of today is the second fastest growing economy in the world – growing at a rate of over 8 percent annually. The Indian economy has produced some of the world’s leading multinational corporations, which create innovative goods and services, and present novel business models for the other countries. But West Bengal, as a state, lacks behind in terms of entrepreneurship growth with regards to the other Indian states. It has been estimated that the population of India will be the largest by the year 2030. Obviously West Bengal will have its own share of population growth proportionate to the country. Industrialization needs to catch up to the growing population needs, it is that India and therefore West Bengal will need more and more entrepreneurs to create employment for the increased population or else there could be a severe economic crisis. This paper aims to determine the concerns of present management education on motivating final year MBA students towards entrepreneurial considerations. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were utilized in this study. In the quantitative approach the motivational factors were examined in a sample of 348 final year MBA students in West Bengal. The implications of the study were discussed, and suggestions provided for further studies.
Management Education, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, West BengalDownloads
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