Factors Affecting Human Resource and Infrastructure in the Universities of Indonesia
This study aims to test whether the expertise of human resources and the availability of infrastructure, can improve the reputation of universities. The variables were developed from the theory of Resources Based View (RBV). Furthermore, the development of these variables is described with Infrastructure, human resource skills, and reputation in increasing the competitiveness of universities.
The data collection method used was questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was prepared using the three variables in the study, namely human resources skills, infrastructure, and university reputation. The respondents of this study were 230 people. The respondent's profession as a whole is a lecturer. The questionnaire in this study used a measurement scale called the Likert scale. Subsequently, the data from the questionnaire was processed using Partial Least Square (PLS).
Based on data collection, the results found human resources skills related to the reputation of the university. Infrastructure affects the strength of reputation and human resources skills. The results of this study show human resources skills and infrastructure greatly affect the reputation of universities. This is due to the ability of human resources supported by infrastructure will increase the competitiveness of the university.
Human Resources Skills, Infrastructure, Reputation, RBVDownloads
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