Entrepreneurship isn’t new for Indians; digitizing business was challenging for every entrepreneur. Women Entrepreneurs in India are most important and plays a primary role in developing country like India. In this era, Digitization is the driving force behind every business and without it, it’s nearly impossible to operate any business. This study examines the role of perception and attitude on technological up gradation by women entrepreneurs in South India. In selecting survey sample, convenient random sampling was adopted. Most of the cities in South India and small-medium industry have been selected for the collection of primary data. Google forms and Questionnaire has been used to collect data and 30 samples returned usable for this study. The study has analyzed using reliability test, descriptive analysis, and chi-square analysis to identify the perceptions and attitude of women entrepreneurs on technological up gradation. The findings show that women entrepreneurs are driven by the term digitization. As the outcome, this study proving that women entrepreneurs are result oriented for the up gradation of technology in their business. The limitation and suggestion for future study are then discussed at the end of the paper.
Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneur, Digital EntrepreneursDownloads
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