Impact of Online Advertising on Daily Users of Mobile Internet Towards Malaysia
This dissertation researched impact of online advertising on daily users of mobile internet in Malaysia. Advertising using internet is a new platform for marketers to create awareness, increase brand loyalty and to identify the customers through their daily feedback. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of online advertising on daily mobile internet users. Four features of online advertising are discussed and examined in the research, irritation, updating, respond, and personality of online advertisements to make the daily mobile users positive or negative thinkers and make them customers.
This study involving a survey of 100 sample size. The dataset underwent a statistical analysis, i.e., structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings reveal that features of online advertising do generate positive influence on purchase intentions. Results further reveal that the Pictures feature generates the highest possibility of consumers’ purchase intentions. Marketers will find these results useful as they can be used to maximize the impact of advertising efforts to generate purchase intentions especially in daily mobile internet users.
Online Advertising, Mobile Internet, Mobile UsersDownloads
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