A Study to Analysis and Identify the Behavioral Relationship between the Attitude and Factor Affecting Consumer towards Green Behavior
“We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So, when we say that we have lost our connection to nature we have lost our connection to ourselves”- Andy Goldsworthy. This research paper discusses the growing interest among the consumers regarding safety of environment. Today human being is conscious about the environment and is ready to change their buying habits. Resultantly the concept of green marketing has come out which tells social responsibility and sustainability of products and services. The vital objective of this research is to identify the factors which influence the buying behavior of consumer towards the green products, and to evaluate them. For this a survey was conducted in form of questionnaire among a group of youth consumer to share their thinking about the influencing factors and their thoughts about green products. The opinion was firmly based on awareness and perception of consumers and evaluated by using “Likert Five Point Scale” scaling technique and chi-square test was done. From the result and conclusion, it is identified that purchase behavior, perception measure, and awareness measure are the pinpoint dimensions (factors), which affect the conscious of consumers in adopting green marketing practices.
Green Marketing, Perception, Purchase Behavior,, AwarenessDownloads
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