
  • Dewi Ayu Kusumaningrum Department of Hospitality, Sahid Polytechnic, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Gabriela Christy Gloria Department of Hospitality, Sahid Polytechnic, Jakarta, Indonesia



Aims: The purpose of the study was to determine consumer perceptions regarding the decision to stay in nature-themed or open-air accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Study Design:  This research in the study was descriptive using a quantitative method.

Place and Duration of Study: Jakarta, February-April 2021.

Methodology: The study population was consumers or tourists who have stayed in nature-themed or open-air accommodations. The researchers determined a sample size of 100 respondents. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire consist of statements answered by selecting a Likert scale. The univariate test utilized mean and standard deviation, which were then categorized.

Results: The profile of 100 respondents who have stayed in nature-themed or open-air accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic most were females, by 56%. Dominant respondent age, including young people with jobs as new employees. This indicates that with a monthly expenditure budget that can belong to the lower middle class, this group has a good interest in staying in open accommodation during the pandemic. Based on these results, 74% of respondents answered questionnaires with high category results, so consumer perceptions were positive or good regarding decisions to stay in nature-themed or open-air accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study also indicated that the information obtained by respondents regarding nature-themed or open accommodation is excellent to be an option during the current pandemic, and hence, the respondent's perception was positive or good. Information related to nature-themed or open-air accommodation is believed to meet the physical and psychological needs of the damaging problems caused by restricting human movement.

Conclusion: The conclusion of this study includes the characteristics of consumers selecting open concept accommodation, where both males and females have the same interest in staying in open or natural accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Most tourists being young is possible since the younger generation prioritizes tourism. Respondents have a good level of trust in the accommodation manager they have chosen and have implemented health protocol policies to maintain consumer safety. Accommodation with an open or natural concept is an option because tourists prefer a more relaxed atmosphere such as a new atmosphere and a cool atmosphere, have the elements that consumers need in the current pandemic, where they have to limit travel, advice is always to stay at home with a monotonous and boring atmosphere and view.


Perception, Decision to Stay, Nature-Themed, Accommodation, Pandemic, Covid-19


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How to Cite

Dewi Ayu Kusumaningrum, & Gabriela Christy Gloria. (2021). TOURIST PERCEPTIONS ON STAYING DECISION IN NATURE-THEMED OR OPEN ACCOMMODATIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ERA IN INDONESIA. International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), 5(4), 21-26.
