Local government in Indonesia adapted to the development legislation of an ideal tourist destination; ethically and aesthetically the local area is known as value-local culture. Gunungkidul Regency is an area that has tourism potential with the number of tourists increasing every year; this can indicate that these tourism objects are well managed. However, Gunungkidul Regency is still one of the areas with underdevelopment, the highest poverty rate indicator in DIY. Community groups have not been thoroughly involved as well as several other tourist objects that have not been managed as tourist destinations. Tourism activities need to be supported by policies that regulate tourism actors in carrying out their activities. This research method is a qualitative method with a literature study model that aims to describe the implementation of policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom which comes from various other types of reading, such as previous research, news articles, and others. Target indicator sets more towards material things. The current policy for increasing tourist destinations in Gunungkidul Regency has not prioritized the value base of local wisdom. Furthermore, it discusses the implementation and obstacles faced in relation to the policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom. The implementation of policies in terms of resources leads to the value of local wisdom in developing human resources which ultimately leads to material benefits. There has been no implementation that leads to local wisdom values of natural resource conservation, social, ethical, and moral meanings. The implementation of policies in terms of communication between the public and the government is good enough, however, among tourism business actors is not optimal.
Implementation, Policy, Tourism, Local Wisdom, GunungkidulDownloads
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