A review of Health Management for Stroke Survivors During the Rehabilitation Period
Background: Stroke is a prevalent acute cerebrovascular disorder, After the patient falls ill, it seriously affects their physical and mental health, bringing a heavy burden of care, rehabilitation, and finances to their families. Health management is a management model proposed to prevent and control the occurrence and development of diseases, which is considered an effective means to help stroke patients maintain their health to the maximum extent possible. This study aims to examine the current health management models employed during the rehabilitation period of stroke patients, identify shortcomings in these models, and propose strategies for optimizing the health management and maintenance of patients' health throughout the rehabilitation process. Methods: The relevant literature on health management models in the rehabilitation period of stroke was searched on Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, CNKI, and WanFang Data systems, and the search time was up to May 2024. Extract and summarize the literature content. Results: For stroke rehabilitation patients, the health management model is in the exploratory stage, with limited content and single intervention methods. A systematic and multi-level health management model has not yet been formed. The health management model does not really connect hospitals, communities, families, and individuals effectively, and the advantages of medical resources and multidisciplinary teams in health management have not been truly reflected. Conclusion: The study shows that the existing health management model should be further improved, including the use of telemedicine technology, strengthening the guidance of hospitals to rehabilitation centers and communities. Government departments need to introduce corresponding policy guarantee mechanisms, give full play to the collaborative power of multidisciplinary teams in hospitals and communities, and improve the effectiveness of health management for stroke patients.
Stroke, Rehabilitation period, Health management, ReviewReferences
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