Mobile and Web-Based Apps to Support Self-Care in Adolescents with Thalassemia: A Systematic Review


  • Sri Janatri Prodi Sarjana Keperawatan STIKes Sukabumi, Lincoln University College
  • Dr. Chua Siew Kuan Lincoln University College
  • Dr. Zaliha Harun Lincoln University College



Background: Thalassemia affects physical and emotional well-being, necessitating long-term treatment. Empirical information on mobile and web-based applications for adolescent self-management in thalassemia is limited.

Objectives: This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness and practicality of health applications for teenagers with thalassemia, focusing on those that encourage engagement beyond self-monitoring and its functionalities.

Methods: This review adhered to the guidelines set out by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The databases used included Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. This review focuses on peer-reviewed research on the use of mobile devices or web-based applications for self-care in adolescents diagnosed with thalassemia. The systematic review used Downs and Black's criteria for randomized and nonrandomized studies.

Results: Out of 137 entries, 76 were duplicates, and six articles met data extraction requirements out of 34 full-text articles. The review includes six articles from the USA, China, Iran, and Malaysia. Four studies used feasibility, one used quasi-experimental, and one used case-control design. Studies created a self-care app for Android and web-based users, MEMS®, a mobile app-based FCC model, "Selfie" with provider-led education modules iManage, and SMART, a continuous record of clinical symptoms and treatment strategies.

Conclusion: The study reveals insufficient evidence on the efficacy of mobile and web-based applications for teenagers with thalassemia, suggesting high costs and limited marketability.



Mobile application, web-Based Apps, self-care, adolsecent, thalassemia, review


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How to Cite

Janatri, S. ., Kuan, C. S. ., & Harun, Z. . (2024). Mobile and Web-Based Apps to Support Self-Care in Adolescents with Thalassemia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IJBB), 1(2), 10-23.
