Message from the Editor-in-Chief

In recent years, the nursing profession has undergone a significant transformation, emerging as a cornerstone of global healthcare systems. Nursing professionals are no longer confined to traditional roles; they have evolved into researchers, educators, and leaders in healthcare innovation. This evolution reflects the growing complexity of healthcare needs and the indispensable role nurses play in addressing them. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the importance of nursing in achieving universal health coverage, preventing diseases, and responding to health emergencies cannot be overstated.

In the present times, emphasis is laid on sustainable global health, highlighting the need for the healthcare profession to address workforce shortages, debt burdens, and the critical role of nurses in achieving universal health coverage (UHC). Recognizing that UHC is impossible without the intervention of nurses, who are central to primary health care, it is essential to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing to strengthen the nursing workforce and improve healthcare systems worldwide. Aligned with this mission, the Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN) has consistently demonstrated its dedication to supporting the nursing community by serving as a platform for sharing the latest research and advancing thought leadership. The present issue of Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN) is dedicated to exploring the latest advancements and research in nursing and healthcare. By facilitating the exchange of ideas and evidence, MJN contributes to addressing the pressing challenges in healthcare and promoting sustainable solutions. Together, we strive to shape the future of nursing, drive innovation, and build a brighter, healthier world for all.

Prof. Datuk Dr. Hjh. Bibi Florina Abdullah