Message from the Editor in Chief

Nursing encompasses both independent and collaborative care across diverse populations, from individuals to families, groups, and communities, in various healthcare settings. It involves not only promoting health and preventing illness but also providing compassionate care to those who are sick, disabled, or nearing the end of life. Nurses also play crucial roles in advocacy, creating safe environments, conducting research, shaping health policies, managing healthcare systems, and educating others.

The Malaysian Journal of Nursing highlights the profound impact nurses have in transforming healthcare delivery, improving access to care, and shaping global health policies. It underscores the urgent call for nurses to take leadership roles, innovate, and collaborate in reshaping healthcare systems worldwide. Through this journal, nurses have the opportunity to share their knowledge and leadership across different specialties, cultures, and nations, contributing to the creation of a healthier world for everyone. The publication highlights the worldwide call to action for nurses to take the lead, be creative, and work together to revolutionize healthcare, highlighting the critical role that nurses play in fostering universal health.

This issue of the journal serves as a platform for nurses to disseminate their expertise and leadership, fostering teamwork and knowledge exchange across borders. We invite nurses from all backgrounds to join us in this global effort to advance the health and well-being of the world's population, working together towards a brighter and healthier future for all.

Prof. Datuk Dr. Hjh. Bibi Florina Abdullah