Cultural Adaptation Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) in Indonesian Community

Ni Made Ayu Wulan Sari1*, Shelly Iskandar2, Efri Widianti2, Nyoman Wira Prasetya3

1Stikes Telogorejo Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50144, Indonesia 2Universitas Padjadjaran, Jawa Barat 45363, Indonesia 3Bina Nusantara University, 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author’s Email:


Background: Korean culture is popular everywhere, it is called Korean wave. Korean wave include food,fashion,beauty, drama, music and films. It creates an admiration to celebrity and its is called celebrity worship. Celebrity worship has some effect to adolescent development process, such as obsessive and compulsive behaviour. Objective: Transalate the celebrity attitude scale into Indonesian and use a cultural perspective to demonstrate the validity and reliability of the results. Methods: Respondent-driven sampling was the method employed for this study’s sampling. There were 207 individuals in the sample. The cultural method translated instruments into Indonesian using cross-cultural norms. Three content specialists and two linguistic experts participated in the cross-cultural process. The reach model’s validity and reliability were examined. Results: The study showed some information was altered. Certain words were inappropriate given Indonesia’s culture. The content validity index (I-CVI) (0.67 - 1.00), S-CVI/AU 0.85, S-CVI/Ave 0.95. Based on the Rasch model found reliability in person was 0.92, reliability in item was 0.99, and alpha Cronbach was 0.93. Conclusion: The study found that CAS is able to be used for Indonesian communities and it is able to measure well to identify celebrity worship in adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent; Celebrity Attitude Scale; Celebrity Worship; Rasch Model


Pop Culture’s Korean wave these days, Korean culture is popular everywhere. The elements of the Korean wave include food, fashion, beauty, drama, music and films (Kim, 2015). Every year, the number of Korean admires in Indonesia grew. A portion of the admires are teenagers (Irmanto et al., 2013). The teenager was in a developmental period and was trying to find someone to become a role model for their life. Theoretically, parents can serve as role models. If their parents are not able to provide for them, they would search for another figure, such as a Korean celebrity known as an idol. Additionally, it was discovered by (Cheung & Yue, 2012), that teenagers require a role model to guide them through life; if their parents do not give them enough attention, they will turn to celebrities. Author refer to it as celebrity worship.

Numerous actions demonstrate a celebrity’s adoration. Imitation is one behaviour type. Celebrity followers will copy the appearance, manner of living, social interactions, ideal body, and style (Elsa Fitri, 2018; Izzati, 2014; Ramadhani & Linadi, 2012). Suicidal conduct is another behaviour that fans have adopted. According to Niederkrotenthaler et al., (2012) it was discovered that celebrities who committed suicide did so in front of their admirers. This fan’s actions are an expression of their affection.

The intense admiration and emotional attachment that fans exhibit, such as perceiving themselves as virtual spouses (Meidita, 2013), engaging in fan conflicts (Eliani et al., 2018), and producing fan fiction, particularly with sexual themes (Ramadhan, 2017), can be seen as forms of fan behavior. When such behaviors are coupled with symptoms of addictive and obsessive-compulsive disorders, they can become problematic (Chung et al., 2008). The concept of "idol worship," as discussed by Cheung and Yui (Chung, 2014), refers to this form of intense emotional fixation. This fixation can evolve into what is known as celebrity worship syndrome (Shi, 2018).

This behaviour is only quantified using the scale that was developed by McCutcheon et al. (2002). The three stages of a fan’s love behaviour are explained by this instrument. As is well known, obsessive and compulsive behaviour towards an idol was discovered in Indonesia. It will provide as justification for testing a celebrity adoration measuring device. Screening for celebrity worship and identifying emotional issues that curb extreme behaviour will be helpful. This tool can assist a psychiatric nurse in assessing adolescents who have a celebrity worship problem. This instrument should be tested for validity and reliability before it is used.


Design and Setting

This study aims to assess the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the CAS instrument. The research was conducted in Indonesia and received approval from the ethical committee.


Data collection took place in Indonesia, targeting a sample of 207 Korean fans, all of whom were adolescents aged between 10 and 24 years. The study was conducted over a period of six months.

Data Collection Method

Data were gathered using respondent-driven sampling, a technique suitable for accessing hard- to-reach populations (Solorzano-Barrera et al., 2024). Initially, key informants within the Korean fan community were identified, and following their referrals, additional respondents were recruited. This method is akin to the snowball sampling technique.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers obtained ethical clearance from the Research ethical committee of Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, Indonesia with reference number 537/UN6.KEP/EC/2019 on 29th April, 2019.


Table 1: Forward Translation: Forward Translation is Process Translation form Original Instrument to Indonesia


Original Source Text

Indonesian Translation

Item 1

If I meet MFC in person, somehow he/she must have known that I am his/her biggest fan

Jika saya bertemu My Favourite Celebrity (MFC) secara langsung, dia pasti sudah tau bahwa saya adalah penggemar terberatnya.

Item 2

One of the main reasons I maintain interest in MFC is because doing so gives me a temporary escape from life's problems.

Salah satu alasan utama saya mempertahankan ketertarikan pada MFC, karena dapat menjadi pelarian sementara dari masalah kehidupan.

Item 7

When MFC fails or loses at something I feel like a failure myself.

Ketika MFC gagal atau kehilangan sesuatu, saya juga merasa gagal.

Item 11

If someone gave me several thousand dollars to do with as I please, I would consider spending it on a personal possession (like a napkin or paper plate) once used by MFC.

Jika seseorang memberikan saya beberapa jutaan rupiah untuk dihabiskan, saya akan mempertimbangkan membelanjakannya untuk barang pribadi (seperti serbet atau piring kertas) yang pernah digunakan oleh MFC.

Item 20

I like watching and hearing about MFC when I am with a large group of people

Saya suka menonton dan mendengar tentang MFC ketika saya bersama kelompok orang yang sama-sama menyukai MFC yang saya sukai.

Table 1 explains that all translators translate the instrument into Indonesian. There are two versions of the translation.

Table 2: Content Validity Index Based on Data Pilot Study








The data collected and analysed using the rasch model. Based on rasch model analysed, in Table 2, the 34 items were graded by content experts. The experts assigned a four-point assessment, explaining that 1 was unclear, 2 was impossible to evaluate without significantly revising the item, 3 was relevant with some revisions, and 4 was relevant-no adjustments were required: six items received an I-CVI of 0.67. This means that two out of every three content experts assigned the item a score of 3 or 4, while the third expert assigned a score of 2. These items were thought to need rewording to ensure clarity for Indonesian speakers.

Tabel 3: Result CVI Average Based on Data Pilot Study





In Table 3 the tree experts talked about the thins that needed to be revised. S-CVI/Ave 0.95, S- CVI/UA 0.853.

Table 4: Reliability with Rasch Approach on Pilot Study

Average of logit (SD)

Alpha Cronbach


Person Reliability

Item Reliability










Table 4 presents the reliability and separation indices of the instrument, showing high consistency in measurement with an alpha Cronbach score of 0.93 and person reliability of 0.92. The separation values indicate that the instrument effectively differentiates individuals (3.42) and confirms item difficulty hierarchy (11.22), ensuring its validity and reliability.

Table 5: Unidimensional Based on data Pliot Study

Eigenvalue (Dimensionality)



Raw variance explained by measure


55.1 %


The raw first unexplained variance contrast



The raw second unexplained variance contrast



Table 5 presents the unidimensionality analysis, showing that the raw variance explained by the measure (55.1%) exceeds the 40% threshold, confirming the instrument's validity. The unexplained variance contrasts are below 15%, indicating minimal measurement disturbance and a strong unidimensional structure.


There are five step to translate this instrument using a cultural approach (Cheung et al., 2020).

Step 1 Recruit Translate Team and Translation

The researcher has criteria to find a translation team This original instrument used English and it was developed in the United States of America. All recruited team are native Indonesian Speakers (Lin et al., 2024). There are two translators. One translator is a nurse which is understand both Indonesia and English. Another translator is an English lecturer.

Step 2 Forward Translation (Table 1)

The committee approach is used to make its merge to the target language. The researcher is bilingual and understands both English and Indonesia (Lin et al., 2024). The committee consists of a bilingual researcher, translator 1 and translator 2. There are 5 items that should be changed because there is different meaning in Indonesian language.

Step 3 Backward Translation

At this stage, researchers have two translators independently. It was different than translator team in forward translation. The result of forward translation was made to back translation - language original instrument. This process is blind (Alfakhry et al., 2024). The translator did not know the original instrument. The forward translation will compare with the back translation.

Step 4 Committee Consolidation

This step, the result from back translation, was discussed with the committee (Cruchinho et al., 2024). Committee consist of researcher, translator, a nursing lecturer with post graduate background , one expert psychology and one psychologist with adolescent specialist. This session, all the member of team give an opinioin to translate cultural appoarch. The translation is not only focus on linguistic but also the meaning , in order its will suitable to use in Indonesian community .

Step 5 Pilot Testing and Finalization (Table 2)

Pilot testing, the instrument was filled by Korean fans adolescents and it is calles as pre-testing instrument (Cruchinho et al., 2024).

Reliability is used to examine instrument consistency in assessing respondent. Person reliability has a similarity with classic theory (Kuder-Richardson 20 and alpha Cronbach). If person reliability close to 1, it means instrument was better consistency in measurement (Grady-Dominguez et al., 2024; Klein et al., 2011) . The result of study found alpha Cronbach score 0.93 and person reliability score 0.92 (Table 4).

Raw variance explained by measure should not be less than 40% and the percentage empirical similar to modelled. The raw first unexplained variance contrast should not be less than 15%, second, it may not be more than that (Quan, 2018; Sari et al., 2024). The percentage score difference of empirical and modelled was 0.2%, it meant that the empirical score was similar. The raw first unexplained variance contrast was 6% and it was not more than 15%. Second unexplained variance contrast was 3.4%, it showed that it was not more than first unexplained variance contrast. Raw variance explained by measure on empirical table was 55,1% (Table 5), and it is more than 40%, it showed the instrument was able to calculate whether it should be counted in the good category.

All results explain that three raters (two psychologist and one nurse lecturer) were employed by the process content validity index. This procedure was based on the cross-cultural approach process thar stated one strategy frequently employed in nursing research is the CVI (Cruchinho et al., 2024; Polit & Beck, 2006). According to Cruchinho et al., (2024) and Lynn, (1986), an expert team should have three members. It is not necessary if it is greater than ten. S-CVI/UA ≥ 80 and S-CVI/Ave ≥ 90 indicate that the instrument is of poor quality (Mohd Rokeman & Che Kob, 2024; J. Shi et al., 2012). I-CVI score is 0 – 1.00 (Mohd Rokeman & Che Kob, 2024; Rodrigues et al., 2017). The author hired three content specialists. In order to verify the validity and compare the results, the Schnell model was also employed to quantify validity. Unidimensional analysis was used. According to Verdú-Soriano and González-de la Torre, (2024) and Ziegler et al., (2014), it has a significant role not only in the explicit but also implicit contruction on the item process. It is a fundamental and important measurement theory premise. It assesses wether the instrument Is capable of determining what needs to be measured. The Rasch model uses the residual’s principal component. In order for the information to be provided in the centre, dimensionality identification is used to maximise measurement (Christensen et al., 2024; Sumintono, B., & Widhiarso, 2015).

Score alpha Cronbach indicated the instrument has a good quality and person reliability showed the interaction of person and item has a good quality. Item reliability had 0.99, it meant the item has very good quality. Person ability to associate with item difficulty in cognitive process (Ratnaningsih et al., 2024; Sumintono, 2017). Difficulty item variance will make the instrument able to examine the variance of respondent ability. Reliability of CAS was measured in some countries and got a good score. CAS in Filipina has an alpha Cronbach score of 0.92 (Tengco-Pacquing et al., 2014). The Alpha Cronbach score in the United States of America was 0.93 (Mccutcheon et al., 2014). Hungarian had an alpha Cronbach score for entertainment- social score 0.87, intense-personal score 0.88 and borderline-pathological score 0.64 (Zsila et al., 2018). Score alpha Cronbach in India for entertainment-social 0.895, intense-personal 0.776 and borderline-pathological 0.914 (Singh & Banerjee, 2019). Alpha Cronbach of CAS in South Korea was 0.94 (Jung & Hwang, 2016). CAS also has good validity in Hungaria (Zsila et al., 2024).

The Rasch model also should consider about Separation (person and item). Person separation is an classification of people and item separation is made for verification of item hierarchy. Low level person separation indicates the instrument is insensitive to distinguishing a person who has a high performance and low performance and it should add another item to handle it. Low item separation showed that the sample is used in research is not quite good to explain the item difficulty hierarchy. Separation score is 0 to infinity, a better score separation makes a better measurement (Boone et al., 2014; Yim et al., 2024). The result of it is 3.42 (Table 4), on the other hand item separation is 11.22. it meant the instrument is sensitive enough and the sample can confirm the item difficulty hierarchy. The result of the study found that the instrument is valid and reliable to test the mental condition of people who love deeply on their idol. It can be used on screening research for teenagers to prevent acts that harm society.

The research found that Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) can be used in Indonesia. This instrument is used for measuring celebrity worship. It should be tested because celebrity addiction may affect cognitive functioning (McCutcheon et al., 2021). Moreover, it found that celebrity worship has impact on self-esteem (Zsila et al., 2021) but also teenagers active social media (Phongphanngam & Lach, 2019); it would deal with depression (Koh et al., 2024) and if they overshare in social media it may cause anxiety (Shabahang et al., 2022). It is explained in the nursing theory of human relatedness that self-esteem appear because disconnection from person, place or thing (Strobbe et al., 2012). CAS will help psychiatric nurse to assess addiction in celebrities.

Psychiatric nurse role to promote safety, aggression reduction, and suicide prevention with complex assessment, diagnostic formulation, prescribing and physical health promotion (Hurley et al., 2022). This role is needed to screen the case, because the number of people who admire celebrity is increasing every year. it occurs because of loneliness (McCutcheon et al., 2022). Its new phenomenon , celebrity worship, should be understood by the psychiatric nurse to prevent this case from being worse, especially for teenagers. It found in (Locker et al., 2023) that celebrity worship created a stigmatisation, effect of narcissism (Ash et al., 2023), purchase decisions (Szymkowiak & Antoniak, 2024) and harm to themselves (Wong et al., 2023).


The recruitment used respondent-driven sampling. Respondent-driven sampling is a widely used variant of snowball sampling. The recruitment has a limitation because the population is a hard-to-reach population.


It is customised for Indonesian use and the research aims to develop a culturally adapted instrument that the Indonesian-speaking community can utilise. This tool also aids in the evaluation of Indonesia’s cases of celebrity worship. The study’s conclusion points to CAS’s strong validity and reliability. Utilising it can also assist a mental nurse in Indonesia with assessment and nursing intervention prediction for managing celebrity worship. Future Scope is to enlarge a mental health-nursing intervention about celebrity worship on adolescent.


The recommendation for the future research is to look for the prevalence of celebrity worship in Indonesia and develop a prevention program about celebrity worship issues.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict interests.


The authors are thankful to the institutional authority for completion of the work.


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