Association between Overall Academic Achievement, Cognitive, and Non-Cognitive Variables among Medical and Allied Health Students: A 10-Year Review

Josephine N. Amadi1*, Regidor III Dioso1, Glory B. Obong1, Chinemerem Eleke2, Idris Adewale Ahmed3

1Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University College, Wisma Lincoln, No. 12-18, Jalan SS 6/12, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

2Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Abuja Campus, University of, 500272, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

3Department of Biotechnology, Lincoln University College, Wisma Lincoln, No. 12-18, Jalan SS 6/12, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author’s Email:


Background: Medical and allied health institutions employ cognitive measures to select student applicants who can fulfill curriculum components and pass the licensure examination. Secondary school certificate (SSC) grades and preadmission aptitude test (PAT) scores have been in use without systematic evidence. Nevertheless, the connection between non-cognitive elements and academic achievement is not clear. Objectives: This study explored the association between cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of academic achievement in medical and allied health programs. Methods: A narrative review design was applied, and the PubMed/MEDLINE database was searched. The eligibility criteria were undergraduate courses in medical and allied health programs, examining at least one cognitive (SSC scores and preadmission) and non-cognitive (age, gender, parity, parental occupation, lottery, non-cognitive personality test, and letter of recommendation) factor, measuring academic achievement and associational outcomes. Studies were screened by title, abstract, and full text, and data were extracted using a novel data extraction form. Results: About 22 studies were included, involving a sample of 29,152 students were reviewed. There were mixed results on the examined factors, with SSC grades, PAT scores, being female, and being of younger age appearing to have diminishing consistency in the mentioned order across the reviewed studies. There was a paucity of studies on the examined non-cognitive elements. Conclusion: There is insufficient evidence to recommend the exclusive use of any single cognitive or non-cognitive element for admissions decisions. A combination of SSC grades, PAT scores, female gender, and younger age should be considered and weighed in the mentioned order of importance.

Keywords: Academic Success; Aptitude; Certification; Schools; Students


Selecting students who will ultimately become successful in completing a health-related bachelor’s degree is a pressing problem for colleges and educators (Stankus et al., 2019). Given that medical and allied health academic programs are rigorous, educators understand the value of selecting the best-suited students for admission (Zamanzadeh et al., 2020). The selection process aims to identify the applicants who will successfully meet the academic requirements to become licensed healthcare practitioners (Patterson, Griffin, & Hanson, 2018). Many educators view the admission criteria as an essential factor that predicts academic achievement (Mwandigha et al., 2018; Yousafzai & Jamil, 2019). Educators have continued to examine the criteria for admission into medical and allied health programs for their predictive value regarding students’ academic achievement (Roach et al., 2019).

Academic achievement is the completion of educational objectives in one's chosen field of study. It is highly valued in many academic and professional settings and is considered a predictor of future success in the chosen field of practice. Moreover, previous research suggests that academic achievement in medical and allied health academic programs may be influenced by cognitive and non-cognitive elements (Yousafzai & Jamil, 2019). The cognitive elements include secondary school certificate grades and pre-admission aptitude test scores (Liu, Codd, & Mills, 2018). The non-cognitive elements are age, gender, personality, and other demographic and non-demographic variables outside the cognitive elements (Roach et al., 2019). Consequently, the researcher recommends that medical schools and the authorities responsible for selecting and admitting medical students prioritize the consideration of well-informed career decisions. This is because making informed career choices can greatly influence the academic achievements and contentment of medical students (Bekele et al., 2023).

The selection process for medical and allied college applicants involves assessing their cognitive (secondary school certificate grades and pre-admission aptitude test score) and non-cognitive characteristics (demographic details). Where selection based on cognitive elements is governed by test score metrics, selection based on non-cognitive elements is governed by human judgment (Kreiter et al., 2018). Consequently, some researchers suggest that pre-admission aptitude tests alone may not be comprehensive enough, as they often rely on the same constructs as secondary school certificate examinations (Roach et al., 2019; Mwandigha et al., 2018). Furthermore, some researchers argued that cognitive tests may not provide a fair assessment of all individuals as they only evaluate prior scientific knowledge (Kim et al., 2016; Žuljević & Buljan, 2022). A student's cognitive abilities and learning performance may be influenced by whether they are morning or evening types. Blatter and Cajochen's (2007) research found that cognitive performance is influenced by time of day and extended periods of forced wakefulness, affecting tasks related to complexity, memory, and language (Vian et al., 2019). Moreover, though many studies have focused on the relationship between academic performance and secondary school certificate scores and aptitude test results, research concerning the association between demographic characteristics and academic achievement has been limited (Kim et al., 2016; Mwandigha et al., 2018; Yousafzai & Jamil, 2019). To address this issue, some studies have focused on looking at the demographic information of applicants to try and reach a balance between fairness and accuracy (Barber et al., 2022; De-Visser et al., 2018; Žuljević & Buljan, 2022).

In an attempt to reduce student dropout rates in health-related bachelor’s degree programs, studies have examined non-cognitive factors such as age, gender, marital status, parity status, and parent occupation (Callwood et al., 2018; Gale et al., 2016). Nonetheless, due to the lack of systematic evidence, the demographic background has been utilized in an inconsistent manner (Zamanzadeh et al., 2020). The impact of socio-demographic characteristics on academic achievement in health- related colleges has not been sufficiently reported (Wambuguh, Eckfield, & Van-Hofwegen, 2016).

Healthcare educators and professionals consider human judgment an important factor in admitting students to a health-related academic program. However, there is not much systematic evidence regarding the ability of the practice to predict overall student academic achievement at the end of the program. The research problem for this study was articulated using the subjects, phenomena of interest, design, evaluation, and type of research (SPIDER) framework as follows: among medical and health students, are cognitive and non-cognitive elements associated with their overall academic achievement, judging from data from quantitative studies? This study reviewed the evidence of the association between overall academic achievement and cognitive and non- cognitive variables in students of medical and allied health programs.

The significance of research on cognitive and non-cognitive factors influencing academic performance among nursing students is essential (Hollinger-Smith et al., 2023). Understanding the role of cognitive factors will enable nursing educators to focus on cultivating them in nursing students (Hsieh, Wang, & Huang, 2023). Examining non-cognitive factors will inform nurse educators on how to address them to foster academic success among nursing students (Ang et al., 2022). Conducting a 10-year review will offer insights into evolving trends and aid in tailored interventions.


Study Design

This systematic review was conducted in adherence to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement that outlined the optimal standards for reporting systematic reviews (Tetzlaff, Page, & Moher, 2020).

Eligibility Criteria

The selection criteria for the research were outlined based on the population, phenomena of interest reported, outcome, and type of publication. This study included studies of medical and allied students. Studies that examined cognitive (secondary school certification grades and pre- admission) and non-cognitive (age, gender, parity, parental occupation, lottery, non-cognitive personality test, and letter of recommendation) were included. Additionally, studies reporting licensure examination outcomes were included. Only quantitative studies published in peer- reviewed journal articles were utilized.

Studies were excluded if they: (1) incorporated students who were not in medical or healthcare professions; (2) analyzed cognitive aspects such as grade point average in college; and (3) used evaluations of admission criteria as the basis for results.

Search Strategy

The literature search was conducted in the PubMed/Medline database between March 31, 2023, and April 20, 2023. The literature search utilized keywords enhanced with Boolean operators and truncations as follows: (Medical OR Allied) AND (Students) AND (Cognitive OR "Non- Cognitive") AND (Academic*). JA and CE searched the database independently and agreed on the studies to be included by consensus. Additionally, the reference lists of the included studies were hand-searched to identify further relevant studies that met the inclusion criteria. The search was limited to English-language articles published between 2013 and 2023 (10 years).

Selection Process

The literature search query was carried out, and studies were obtained. The two review authors (JA and CE) screened the titles and abstracts to recognize studies that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus among the other three review authors (RB, GBO, and AN). The full texts were evaluated independently by two review authors (JA and CE), and disagreements were discussed and resolved with the other three review authors (RB, GBO, and AN). Twenty-two (22) studies were finally included in the review.

Data Collection Process

One review author (JA) extracted data independently from the included studies using a data extraction form. The extracted data included: (1) the study country; (2) the type of students studied; (3) the research design; (4) the population; (5) the cognitive and non-cognitive elements evaluated; and (6) the outcomes. A second review author (CE) reviewed the extracted data for correctness.

Quality and Certainty Assessment of Included Studies

The 12-item CASP Checklist for quantitative studies was used to evaluate the quality of the studies included in the review (CASP: Critical Appraisal Skill Programme). This tool has been demonstrated to be a dependable instrument for critical appraisal (Ma et al., 2020). Two reviewers (JA and CE) independently rated the quality of each study in the review, giving a score of 0 when the quality criterion was not met and a score of 1 when the quality criterion was met. Any differences between the reviewers were resolved by a third reviewer (AN).

The review involved data extracted from levels II (quasi-experimental studies) and III (retrospective and longitudinal cohort studies) that have a low level of certainty of evidence. The heterogeneity in medical and allied health academic programmes further complicated the certainty level. The CASP Checklist was employed to guarantee the inclusion of the best evidence in the review and improve the level of certainty of the results.


An electronic database search identified 817 studies, and an additional two were identified through a manual search. After screening titles and abstracts, 98 studies were selected for full-text review (eligibility check). Ultimately, 22 studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria and were included in the review, as illustrated in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses Flow Chart

Table 1: Study Characteristics

Author and Year




Predictor Variables


Category of Evidence



Barber et al. (2022)


Retros pective cohort study

1,021 health students

Non cognitive variables (demograp hy), Cognitive (Preadmis sion test)

Gender was associated with academic success (p

= < 0.001)



Žuljević and Buljan (2022)


Explor atory cohort study

509 medical students

Non cognitive variables (demograp hy), Cognitive (Preadmis sion test)

Overall academic achieveme nt in medical school was associated with Secondary school certificate grades (p

= < 0.01)

but not the non- cognitive variables.



Almarabh eh et al. (2022)


Retros pective cohort study

160 medical students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate grades and Preadmissi on aptitude test)

Preadmissi on aptitude test was associated with academic achieveme nt in medical school (p

= < 0.001)




et al.


Saudi Arabia

Retros pective cohort study


nursing students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate grades and

Academic performan ce in medical school was



Preadmissi on aptitude test)

associated with Secondary school certificate grades, and Preadmissi on aptitude test (p = < 0.05).

Krings et al. (2020)

Switzerla nd

Prospe ctive cohort study

730 medical students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate grades and Preadmissi on aptitude test)

Secondary school certificate grades were associated with academic performan ce in medical school (p




Yousafza i and

Jamil (2019)


Retros pective cohort study

197 allied health students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate grades and Preadmissi on aptitude test)

Academic achieveme nt was associated with secondary school certificate grades (p

= <0.001)

and preadmissi on test scores (p = 0.02)



Vos et al. (2019)

Netherla nds

Quasi- experi mental design

416 medical students (366 non- cognitive selection,

Non cognitive (lottery),

Cognitive (Preadmis

Students selected by Preadmissi on aptitude



50 cognitive selection)

sion aptitude test)

test were more likely to have timely completio n of medical school then those selected by lottery (64.2 vs.

51.6 %, OR = 1.7).

Price and Park (2018)


Retros pective cohort study

169 dental students

Non cognitive variables (letter of recommen dation, interview)

Academic performan ce was not associated with any non- cognitive variable (p

= > 0.01).



De- Visser et al. (2018)

Netherla nds

Quasi- experi mental study

574 medical students (135 = non- cognitive selection; 439 =

cognitive selection)

Non cognitive (Demogra phy),

Cognitive (preadmiss ion test)

The students selected by non- cognitive procedures had higher dropout rate (8.1

vs. 1.6 %,

p = < 0.001),

higher Licensure score (85.2 vs.

75.9, p =

0.02), and higher OSCE

score (7.0



vs. 6.8, p

= 0.04).

Lancia et al. (2018)


Retros pective cohort study

2,278 allied health students

Cognitive (Secondar y School Certificate

, Pre- admission test),

Non- cognitive (socio- demograp hic),

Senior secondary school certificate grades was associaited with academic achieveme nt (p =




Plouffe et al. (2018)


Retros pective cohort study

616 allied health students

Cognitive (Secondar y School Certificate

, Pre- admission test),

Non- cognitive (socio- demograp hic),

Academic achieveme nt was associated with Senior secondary school certificate grades (p

= <0.01)

and preamissio n test (p =

< 0.01)



Alshanm ari et al. (2018)

Saudi Arabia

Retros pective cohort study

201 allied health students

Non- cognitive (socio- demograp hic

No significant associatio n between demograp hy and academic achieveme nt (p =




Finn et al. (2018)

United Kingdom

Prospe ctive cohort study


medical students

Non cognitive (Socio- demograp hy) and

Overall academic performan ce in medical school was



personalit y test

not associated with Socio- demograp hic

characteris tics and Non cognitive test scores (p = > 0.05).

Al- Qahtani and Alanzi (2018)

Saudi Arabia

Longit udinal cohort study

1,413 health science students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate grades, Preadmissi on aptitude test)

Academic achieveme nt in medical school was associated with Secondary school certificate grades (p

= <0.01)



Sladek et al. (2016)


Retros pective cohort study

382 medical students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate examinati on grade, Preadmissi on aptitude test score),

Non- cognitive (interview


Secondary school certificate examinati on grade (cognitive) was associated with better academic achieveme nt (OR = 2.29 [1.57-




Liu, Codd & Mills, (2018)


Retros pective cohort study

300 allied health students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate examinati on grade)

No associatio n between Secondary school certificate



examinati on grade and overall academic achieveme nt.

Wambug uh, Eckfield & Van- hofwegen

, (2016)


Retros pective cohort study

400 allied health students

Cognitive (Secondar y School Certificate

, Pre- admission test),

Non- cognitive (socio- demograp hic),

Academic achieveme nt was associaited with senior secondary school certificate grade (p

<0.01) and preadmissi on test (p

< 0.01)



Kim et al. (2016)

Republic of Korea

Prospe ctive cohort study

549 medical students

Cognitive (Preadmis sion aptitude test)

Non cognitive (Demogra phy).

Academic achieveme nt was associated with Preadmissi on aptitude test (p = 0.012) but not gender (p > 0.05)



Adam et al. (2015)

United Kingdom

longitu dinal cohort study

146 medical students

Non- cognitive (Demogra phy),

Cognitive (Preadmis sion aptitude test)

Non- cognitive variables such as younger Age and females were significant predictors of better overall



academic performan ce (p = < 0.01)

Edwards, Friedman & Pearce, (2013)


Multi- institut ional longitu dinal study

650 medical students

Cognitive (Preadmis sion aptitude test),

Non cognitive (interview


Preadmissi on aptitude test (p =


but not non- cognitive interview (p = >

0.05) was significant ly associated with general Academic achieveme nt.



Mercer, Abbott & Puddey, (2013)


Longit udinal cohort study

398 dental students

Cognitive (Preadmis sion aptitude test),

Non cognitive (Demogra phy).

Overall Dental school academic achieveme nt was associated with female gender (p

= <0.01)

but not preadmissi on test score.




et al.


Saudi Arabia

Retros pective cohort

1,905 health science and medical students

Cognitive (Secondar y school certificate examinati on grade, Preadmissi on

Academic achieveme nt at was significant ly associated with Secondary



aptitude test score)

school certificate examinati on grade (p = <

0.05) and Preadmissi on aptitude test score (p =


Study Characteristics

Table 1 provides a summary of the statistics and findings from each study that was reviewed. Twenty-two studies involving 29,152 students in medical and allied health bachelor's degree programmes were eligible and included in the review. The studies were published between 2013 and 2023 (10 years) and consisted of two quasi-experimental (level II) studies and 20 observational (level III) studies. All the included studies scored above 12 out of 15 on the CASP checklist.

Table 2: Result Synthesis

Author and Year



Preadmission Test

Demography (Gender)

Demography (Age)


Non- Cognitive Interview

Letter of


Barber et al. (2022)





Žuljević and Buljan (2022)






et al. (2022)



Alhurishi et al. (2021)



Krings et al. (2020)



Yousafzai and Jamil (2019)



Vos et al. (2019)



Price and Park (2018)







et al. (2018)







Lancia et al. (2018)






Plouffe et al. (2018)






et al. (2018)



Finn et al. (2018)




Al-Qahtani and Alanzi (2018)



Sladek et al. (2016)






Liu, Codd

& Mills, (2018)


Wambuguh, Eckfield & Van- hofwegen, (2016)





Kim et al. (2016)





Adam et al. (2015)




Edwards, Friedman & Pearce, (2013)




Mercer, Abbott & Puddey, (2013)




Al-alwan et al. (2013)



















Narrative Synthesis

Results from Table 2 showed that more than half (56%) of studies on the link between secondary school certificate grades and academic achievement in medical and allied colleges indicated a significant association. Close to half (44%) of the studies that examined preadmission tests showed a significant association with academic achievement. Most studies looking into gender, age, lottery, non-cognitive test interviews, and letters of recommendation found no significant association between the variables and academic achievement.


This study is a 10-year review and narrative synthesis of evidence on the association between academic achievement in medical and allied health schools and cognitive and non-cognitive admission criteria. Results from this review demonstrated that a student's secondary school certificate grades are more consistently associated with their overall academic performance in medical and allied health courses than the preadmission aptitude test score. It may be related to the variability in the design of the preadmission aptitude tests used in the countries examined. Where the preadmission aptitude test does suggest an associational relationship, it is weak. It is possible that preadmission aptitude tests could predict success in other relevant outcomes not examined in this review. Nonetheless, significant findings regarding students' secondary school certificate grades were inconsistent across the 16 studies, with some demonstrating a significant association (Alhurishi et al., 2021; Krings et al., 2020; Žuljević and Buljan, 2022) and others finding no significant relationship (Almarabheh et al., 2022; Barber et al., 2022). Findings on preadmission aptitude test scores were also inconsistent across 18 studies, with some showing a significant association (Alhurishi et al., 2021; Almarabheh et al., 2022) and others not (Barber et al., 2022; Krings et al., 2020; Žuljević & Buljan, 2022). Nonetheless, this review brings to light the limitations of utilizing only preadmission aptitude test scores for the selection process of applicants into medical and allied health colleges. Given that secondary school certificate grades showed the most evidence of association with academic achievement, medical and allied health colleges could consider using students' secondary school certificate grades over and above the preadmission aptitude test scores for the student selection process.

Where professional behavior is a primary concern for medical and allied health colleges, one could argue that personality, letter of recommendation, family background, and other demographic factors may play a part; hence, one should consider the non-cognitive individual elements in the student selection process. Across the studies reviewed, few non-cognitive factors were studied in connection with academic achievement in medical and allied health courses. Age, gender, non- cognitive personality test or interview, letter of recommendation, and lottery were the only factors evaluated. Across 13 studies, three found a significant association between academic achievement and the female gender (Adam et al., 2015; Barber et al., 2022; Mercer, Abbott & Puddey, 2013), and one study found a significant association with younger age (Adam et al., 2015). This finding indicates that female students of younger age perform better in medical and allied courses, which are unexpected results. Personality traits, letters of recommendation, and lottery were not found to be consistently associated with academic achievement among medical and allied health students (Price and Park, 2018; Vos et al., 2019). Research on the mentioned non-cognitive elements is scarce, thus reducing their usefulness in predicting academic achievement. Future studies should aim to assess the mentioned non-cognitive elements in relation to academic achievement to yield a thorough understanding of their practical application.


This review presents some limitations. The majority of the included studies were level III evidence. Additionally, only a minority of the included studies collect data from three or more cohorts or institutions. This will inevitably affect the strength of the evidence.


Based on studies published within the past ten years, there is insufficient evidence to support the exclusive use of cognitive and non-cognitive elements in decisions concerning who should be allowed to enroll in medical and allied health courses. The research team recommends that a combination of secondary school certificate grades, preadmission aptitude test scores, female gender, and younger age be considered and weighed in the mentioned order of importance.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.


The authors are thankful to the institutional authority for completion of the work.


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