Novriyanti Achyar1, Rusdinal2, Khairudin2, Mellati Mandasari3

1Doctoral Students at Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia 2Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia 3Lecturer at STIA LPPN Padang, Padang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author’s


Introduction: The process of sending and receiving information called communication becomes the part of teaching and learning process which can be ignored by the lecturers and students. The process of this continual activity takes the important part in education itself, especially for the students academic achievements. The failure of communication not only affects the students in receiving information but also their relationship with the lecturers. This study is purposed to analyze in depth about the interpersonal communication patterns of health education lecturers in guiding the practical clinical training of nursing students in Padang city. Research Methodology: The type of research used is descriptive research. The population of this study were all nursing students from three private health education in the city of Padang who took practical clinical training courses. Sample research consisted of 51 nursing students. The instruments of this research are questionnaires, interviews and direct observation. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the communication pattern between health education lecturers and nursing students in the city of Padang was a circular communication pattern. This communication is suitable to be done in an academic environment because of the success of this communication pattern that runs in two directions as a result the process of exchanging information goes well. Conclusion: However, communication anxiety is still felt by students towards their supervision in practical clinical training so that it is difficult to communicate, feeling uncomfortable and the intimacy between students and supervisors is still difficult to achieve.

Keywords: Interpersonal Communication Patterns, Health Education Lecturers, Practical Clinical Training, Nursing Students


Communication is the heart of social relations process. Humans as social beings will never be able to escape from an interaction process because there is an instinct to always live with other people and communication is an important means of delivering messages in the process of interaction. Through communication an individual can understand himself, others, the surrounding environment and even become a liaison between himself and God. In other

words, communication is a factor that plays an important role in human life to carry out its activities.

Communication is a transaction, a symbolic process that requires people to regulate their environment by building relationships between people through the exchange of information to strengthen the attitudes and behavior of others and try to change it (Cangara, 2007). Fiske, 1990 also state that communication is a process whereby two or more people form or exchange information between one another, which in turn leads to deep understanding. Therefore, the success of a communication process will be happened if the elements of communication, such as sources (resources), messages (messages), channels (media channels) and recipients (receivers, audiences) run well.

However, communication is still a problem in a social relationship. As stated by Mulyana & Rakhmat, (2001) that communication is still important to learn because "quantity does not guarantee quality". Examples of students who fail the exam because of learning delivered by ineffective lecturers or final students who are depressed because communication between the students and the supervisor is not smooth so many misunderstandings occur. This is proof that intense communication cannot be said to be of high quality if the message conveyed by the source is not well received and understood by the recipient. According to Mulyana & Rakhmat, (2001) despite speaking and listening, saying everything with facial expressions and gestures, it is not necessarily effective or satisfying communication. It can be concluded that the problems in the communication process still often occur both in non-formal and formal environments, one of them at the university.

The university or college environment is one place in which the interaction process continuously happens, especially during the learning process in class and outside the class. Then, the relationship between lecturers and students is one of the important things. Through communication students and lecturers exchange information, knowledge, skills in academic matters, so that the communication process becomes a vital thing in the university environment because this also influences student success. Conversely a negative attitude will encourage students to communicate ineffectively with their lecturers.

In addition, the lecturer not only has the task as a source of information but also provides facilities for students in learning and teaching activities. Thus communication competence should be owned by a lecturer. One form of communication in a college environment is guidance practical clinical training which is one of the compulsory courses for nursing students in health colleges. In the clinical practicum process nursing students implement theories that have been learned by providing nursing care directly to patients. In addition, students also learn to develop skills, professional attitudes and learn to make decisions and are responsible for actions taken, which is an integrated application of scientific ability and ethical reasoning. The most important element in nursing education is how the learning process is managed in the practicing field. For this reason, the ability of teaching staff is needed which also acts as a supervisor in managing the clinical practical process. This is because the clinical practical process will provide students with experience in dealing with

patients and practicum is a very important place in helping students become professional nurses. As a guide to practicum learning, the communication process is important for students and lecturers because many things must be discussed during the learning process. However, the results of observations made at several health colleges in the city of Padang found that there are still many nursing students who are taking this practicum subject face some problems and obstacles in terms of communicating with the supervisor. There are still students who are reluctant and anxious about expressing their opinions during the guidance process or contacting the lecturer personally. This phenomenon is often found and this is certainly very unfortunate because communication between lecturers and students should not have obstacles like this because communication has a significant influence on the student learning process and motivation in learning.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that one of the skills that must be possessed by a lecturer is to foster interpersonal relationships, especially when acting as a practicum supervisor or final task/thesis supervisor. As revealed by Sudocu (2014) that thesis supervisor is one of the vital elements in the preparation of the thesis. Often even there are among students who think the supervisor is an inhibitor who is only looking for mistakes. This negative view is certainly not going to exist if the interpersonal relationship between lecturers and students is well established.

Interpersonal communication that occurs between the lecturer as a supervisor of nursing student in clinical practical guide is very important to be done to direct, guide, help solve the problems they face during the clinical practical learning process both in hospitals and in laboratories. The involvement of practicum advisors is expected to be a place to improve students' abilities and motivation in the practicum learning process. According to (Devito, 2011; Rohim, 2009) interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two people or among a small group of people, with some effects and some instant feedback. Furthermore Robbins, (2000) also means that interpersonal communication is the exchange of information that occurs between two people, each has its own way in relation to others.

The effectiveness of interpersonal communication will be achieved, if communicants interpret messages received have the same meaning as the purpose of the message conveyed by the communicator (Supratiknya, 1995). In accordance with the statement, in effective interpersonal communication, the message or content of the communication delivered by the communicator can be well received by the communicant, then communication objectives is reached. Rakhmat (2003) also added that effective interpersonal communication causes two individuals who are involved in the communication process to feel happy, thus encouraging the growth of mutual openness, whereas if interpersonal communication goes ineffectively, it causes the communication agent to develop a tense attitude. The existence of openness in communication makes it easier for communicants to understand the purpose of the message conveyed by the communicator and can influence the communicant to behave in accordance with the expectations of the communicator. For this reason, the pattern of persona interaction and communication between the lecturer and the students greatly determines the success of a

student's study. In this case the interpersonal communication that occurs between the lecturer and the student is communication that makes individuals can express themselves without feeling awkward and suspicious, as a result individuals will be more careful in perceiving other individuals, and the more effective the ongoing relationship between them Rakhmat, (2003). Devito (2011) suggests that there are five aspects of effective interpersonal communication, namely: 1. Openness. The openness aspect is the most important basis in the process of communication. Where in the process of openness between communicators and communicants can be honest with each other to express what they want to say, or how they feel so that between the communicator and communicant the communication process goes well. 2. Empathy. Empathy is the ability of a person to know what is being experienced by others. People who empathize understand the feelings, hopes, and ways to motivate the person,then people who have empathy will understand how they convey messages to others.

3. Supportness. If communication wants to work well, it also requires an attitude to support each other. Because, communication will not open if someone does not have a sense of support. People will become defensive, such as having a sense of fear, low self-esteem, and anxiety that will hamper the communication process. 4. Positive Sense (Positiveness). Positive attitude refers to two things, namely to ourselves and others, where if we have a positive attitude towards ourselves we will radiate through our communication in a way that we give positive encouragement, not by dropping or make the communicant feel inferior or feel different. 5. Equality. This aspect refers to the awareness between communicators and communicants having a sense of acknowledgment that both parties are equally valuable and important. This equality reduces misunderstanding in communication.

Besides, communication also forms its own pattern so that it can be seen and analyzed how the communication pattern between sender and receiver occurs. According to (Rinaldi, 2013) communication patterns are divided into four parts, namely: a. Primary Communication Pattern. The primary communication pattern is the process of communicating the message by the communicator to the communicant by using symbols such as channels or media. There are two types of symbols used, namely verbal and nonverbal. Verbal symbols are like commonly used languages, while nonverbal is like body language. b. Secondary Communication Pattern. The pattern of secondary communication is a communication process that uses tools or means as a medium to communicate. This secondary communication will be more effective and efficient because it is supported by sophisticated technology. c. Linear Communication Pattern. The linear communication pattern that is meant here is the straight point, where the delivery of the message by the communicator to the communicant as the terminal point. This communication usually occurs in face-to-face communication or using facilities. d. Circular Communication Pattern. Circular understanding is round process. Communication in the circular process that occurs is the formation of feedback, the flow of communication from the communicant to the communicator as the main determinant of success. The essence of this communication is the feedback between communicants and communicators.

Based on the explanation above, the analysis of interpersonal interaction patterns between health education lecturers as an advisors and nursing students is an important thing to do

since interpersonal communication is one of the important aspects in the clinical practical learning process because a good interaction process will make students' academic achievement more good and the learning process becomes more meaningful because the good relationship and comfort during the communication process. Hence, the purpose of this research is to describe the patterns of interpersonal communication between lectures of health education and nursing students in guiding clinical practical training.


The type of research is descriptive Johnson & Christensen (2012) desrcibe that the primary purpose of descriptive research is to provide an accurate description or picture of the status, characteristics of a situation or phenomenon. Particularly, it is focused on describing the variables that exist in a given situation and sometimes on describing the relationship that exists between those variables. Besides, it also conducted to learn about attitudes, opinions, beliefs, behaviors, and demographic. This is consistent with the purpose of this study is to look deeply at the pattern of interpersonal communication of supervisors and nursing students in the clinical practical training process.

The population of this study was all nursing students who took clinical practical training course at three private health colleges in Padang. The number of students is 146 people. Given the size of the population, the sample is taken by considering the provisions of the sampling technique so as to be able to represent the population. Then the sample is taken as much as 35% of the total population. Then the sample of this study is 35% x 146 = 50.75 so there are 51 nursing students who take clinical practical training courses become the samples of this study.Data was collected using several research instruments, namely questionnaires, interviews and direct observation. Questionnaires are arranged based on indicators of interpersonal communication patterns adapted from Devito (2011) while interpersonal communication patterns are seen based on the theory developed by Rinaldi (2013).

The indicator of questionnaire (see table 1 page) is used to analyze the interpersonal relationships of lecturers as a supervisors in guiding the clinical practical training and nursing students.

Table 1. Interpersonal Communication Indicators and Interpersonal Communication Patterns


Sub Variable


Interpersonal Communication


  1. Good respond

  2. Honest


  1. Tolerance

  2. Comfort

  3. Sociability

  4. Understanding


  1. Motivate

  2. Understand how to think

  3. Discuss easily


  1. Receive opinions

  2. Receive criticism

  3. Provide criticism / suggestions with good language


  1. Mutual respect

  2. Easy to get along with students

Interpersonal Communication Patterns

  1. Primary Communication Pattern

  2. Secondary Communication Pattern

  3. Linear Communication Pattern

  4. Circular Communication Pattern

Alternative responses using a Likert Scale which consists of four scales, namely: rare (R), sometimes (S), often (O), and always (A). To see how many percent of respondents on the criteria will be known by using the formula:

P = f / N x 100

Description: P = percentage level of answer f = frequency of answers

N = number of samples

In order to support the data obtained from questionnaires, interview was also done in the form of open questions and direct observation was also conducted to ensure that the information obtained from the analysis of questionnaire results was also in line with the results obtained from interviews and direct observation.


Communication skills are one of the things that must be owned by an educator, one of them is interpersonal skills with students. According to Hartley in (Brok, 2010) interpersonal communication is a type of communication that is considered the best to change attitudes, opinions, or human behavior, because it contains the characteristics of having face to face, a two-way relationship, the intention and will of both sides. From this Interpersonal communication it is very likely that it will also support students in their academic achievements, which can be seen from the student's Academic Achievement Index

(Abubakar, 2015). Thus, interpersonal communication is one ability that has a significant influence on the learning process but also creates a good relationship between lecturers and students so that anxiety in communication can be overcome for that to know the pattern of interpersonal communication between lecturers and students is needed especially in the guidance clinical practicum training process.

The results of data analysis collected from questionnaires, interview results and also observations during the practicum learning process for nursing students show that the ease of interacting, discussing, sociability and comfort is part of interpersonal communication that is rarely obtained and felt by Nursing students in the process of guidance when communicating personally or interpersonally with praticum supervisors/lectures as a result the higher communication anxiety is felt and students tend to be afraid to start the interaction and some even choose to avoid personal contact for fear of being wrong or scolded. To see more detail about the pattern of lecturer interpersonal communication with nursing students in the process of cilinical practical training guidance can be seen in the graph below.


Graph 1. Percentage of Interpersonal Communication Lecturers in Guiding clinical practical training for Nursing Students at Padang Health Colleges.

In addition, the results of the study also showed that the supervisor gave motivation, criticism/suggestions with good language, mutual respect, accepted opinions, responded well to students, even the supervisors also received positive criticism from students. It can be concluded that even though students are still afraid to start interpersonal communication with the supervisor and it is still difficult to discuss and interact but in the guidance process the supervisor still shows a positive attitude even though the feeling of comfort is not fully felt by the students during the guidance process.


The relationship between the supervisor and students may be overcome if the student no longer has fear, reluctance and a poor mindset about the lecturer. Just as emphasized by Pantow, Kawengian & Marentek, (2016) that it takes something like a good view that is given by lecturers to students, because students think the lecturers are not good enough, so

students become afraid and reluctant to consult lecturers. This is certainly a problem for his students in completing his studies.

Furthermore, the communication pattern used by the practical learning supervisor with nursing students based on the observation results is a circular communication pattern. This communication pattern is a continuous communication process where there is feedback between communicators and communicants, this communication pattern is also known as two-way or reciprocal communication (two way traffic communication). This is because nursing students conduct direct guidance and face to face with lecturers. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss problems and obstacles found during the practice process both in hospitals and in laboratories. The lecturers also give suggestions until criticism of the practicum process conducted by students so that the communication process does not only run in one direction but there is feedback in it. The same thing was expressed by Enjang (2009), in the process of interpersonal communication is done face-to-face, so that everyone involved in the interaction process captures the reaction directly, both verbally and nonverbally and this is very suitable to convey positive things and be applied in the college environment.


The process of interpersonal communication of lecturers in guiding nursing students in Padang city health colleges who are conducting clinical practical training has a circular communication pattern in which this pattern goes in two directions not only from lecturers but also by students and feedback from the communication process so that the process directed and sustainable interaction. Interpersonal communication itself in the process of guidance in practicing learning has not run optimally because there is still an anxiety to communicate by students to the lecturers/supervisor. In addition, students also feel it is still difficult to interact with the supervisor so that a sense of discomfort arises and this makes it difficult for students to understand the supervisor. Phenomena like this certainly cannot be left because the wrong thinking pattern will hamper the student's academic process, for that the lecturer needs to see how the characteristics of the guidance students so that they can understand each other and negative thoughts about the supervisor can be overcome by establishing good communication and relationships.


This researcher accomplished without guidance, helps and supports from many persons. Therefore, a sincere appreciation is highly addressed to Health Education teachers and also practical clinical training of nursing students in Padang city who have sincerely helped and allowed the writer to conduct the research.


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